The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

After Blue (Dirty Paradise)

In a distant future, on a savage planet, the lonely teenager Roxy frees a criminal buried in the sand. Once freed, the woman starts spreading fear and death again. Roxy and her mother Zora are deemed responsible, exiled from their community and sentenced to track down the killer. Thus, they begin roaming the fantastical and spectral territories of their dirty paradise.
After Blue (Dirty Paradise)

Anatolian Leopard

A lonely manager of the oldest zoo in Turkey and an introverted female officer form an unlikely bond. As they cover up the death of the zoo’s most precious denizen, an Anatolian leopard, to stop the privatisation process by faking the big cat’s escape, they set in motion an absurd charade that spins out of control. The ghost of the leopard roams Turkey’s grey and quiet capital.
Anatolian Leopard

Borders of Love

Hana starts to feel that her relationship with Petr is in a rut. Willing to spice it up, she shares her erotic fantasies and secret desires with him. It turns out they are on the same page. The couple begins to discover their sensuality, hook up with other partners and increasingly push the boundary of love and sex, but this experiment with freedom may go sideways.
Borders of Love


Leonid, aka Pamfir, returns after a long time to his home village on the Ukrainian-Romanian border. His son has missed him so much that he sets an Eastern Orthodox church on fire, believing that this will make his father stay home. Unfortunately, the church belongs to a local mafia. Leonid needs to reach out to his contacts from the underworld to pay the debt, but with every decision, he gets...


In the 1990s Ukraine, during the USSR transformation, a young man known as Rhino starts out as a petty thief only to quickly move up in the criminal hierarchy. Rhino has nothing to lose. All he knows is violence and cruelty. Will he get a chance for redemption?

Roving Woman

Sara, kicked out from home, steals a car, falls in love with its owner and decides to find him. The film is a full-length directing debut.
Roving Woman