TVP SA Digital Reconstruction Zone at the 49th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia
23rd–28th September 2024
Grunwaldzki Square, Gdynia
This year’s edition of the TVP SA Digital Reconstruction Zone is a meeting place –with film and filmmakers but also a team of specialists from Ośrodek Dokumentacji i Zbiorów Programowych TVP [TVP Documentation and Antenna Archives Centre]. We invite everybody who would like to take a closer look at Telewizja Polska’s archive and see what the everyday process of digital reconstruction of TV materials looks like.
From Monday to Friday, between 11.00 a.m. and 2.30 p.m., primary school students will take part in workshops where they will get to know how to prepare a film reel for digitalisation and what the digital reconstruction process or colour correction look like. From 3.00 p.m. we invite to the zone all those who would like to see up close how a film scanner works and to get to know the secrets of the trade of film reconstructors. Every day at 5.30 p.m., during open workshops, we are going to explore the intricacies of digital film reconstruction together, and our team will eagerly answer all – even the hardest – your questions.
At the same time, in our other space – the film zone, from 3 p.m. until late in the evening, it will be possible to attend free screenings of films and series produced by Telewizja Polska. This year, we would very much like to invite you to see the works of Jerzy Stuhr, Janusz Majewski and Arkadiusz Tomiak. From Friday 27th September we will present works of Jan Jakub Kolski and we will invite you to the open panel “Andrzej Wajda – artist, citizen. What do archives of TVP tell?”, organised by Telewizja Polska and Andrzej Wajda Centre for Film Culture. On Saturday from 10:00 a.m. we invite the youngest festival audience to films and series for children and youth. We also invite you to attend film meetings with the biggest stars of the Polish music scene, such as Zbigniew Wodecki, Urszula Sipińska and Marek Grechuta.
The central point of the Zone will be the everyday evening film screenings starting from 6:30 p.m., accompanied by meetings with special guests, such as: Feliks Falk, Marina Fabbri, Kinga Dębska, Maria Dębska, Piotr Lenar, Milenia Fiedler, Tomasz Naumiuk. Detailed programme of meetings with audience avaiable at “Rekonstrukcja Cyfrowa TVP” Facebook and Instagram profiles. Additionally, this year’s programme of the Zone, apart from the archival productions, includes also the latest titles, available thanks to Dystrybucja Kinowa TVP.
Among the presented films, you will have a chance to see productions such as:
- Jesienią o szczęściu (1985) – dir. S. Jędryka, starring R. Wilhelmim;
- Miłość jak miód (2024) – romantic comedy, dir. M. Migas;
- Spis cudzołożnic (1995) – directing feature debit of J. Stuhr, based on J. Pilch novel;
- Spokój (1976) – film made together by K. Kieślowski and J. Stuhr;
- Duże zwierzę (2000) – dir. J. Stuhr, based on K. Kieślowski’s script;
- Czarna suknia (1967) – awarded at the festival in Prague, TV production dir. By J. Majewski;
- Ja gorę! – Opowieści Niezwykłe (1967) – short film comedy about ghosts, dir. By J. Majewski;
- Urząd (1969) – G. Holoubek, I. Gogolewski, A. Bardini, F. Pieczka i Z. Maklakiewicz in Kafka’s vision of J. Majewskiego;
- Diabelska Edukacja (1994) – TV erotic with R. Dancewicz and M. Kondrat;
- Przystań (1997) – directing feature debut of J. Hryniak with M. Ostaszewska, R. Królikowski, E. Olszówka and A. Żmijewski;
- Żurek (2003) – adaptation of O. Tokarczuk’s story, with poignant role of K. Figura;
- Marzec ’68 (2022) – dir. K. Lang,;
- Pograbek (1992) – dir. J. J. Kolski;
- Jańcio Wodnik (1993) – premiere of the reconstructed version of one of the most renowned films of J. J. Kolski,
- Lubię wracać tam, gdzie byłem (2023) – documentary journey to Zbigniew Wodecki’s world;
- Sonata (2021) – multi-award winning poignant film with A-list stars, dir. B. Blaschke;
Free admission to all events!
15:00 – 17:30 Siedlisko (1998) – dir. Janusz Majewski, episodes 1–3, 150 min.
17:30 – 18:30 Open workshops – digital film reconstruction
START 18:30 Jesienią o szczęściu (1985) – dir. Stanisław Jędryka, 57 min.
Miłość jak miód (2024) – dir. Maciej Migas, 98 min.
15:00 – 17:30 Siedlisko (1998) – dir. Janusz Majewski, episodes 4–6, 150 min.
17:30 – 18:30 Open workshops – digital film reconstruction
START 18:30 Spis cudzołożnic (1995) – dir. Jerzy Stuhr, 64 min.
Spokój (1976) – dir. Krzysztof Kieślowski, 81 min.
Duże zwierzę (2000) – dir. Jerzy Stuhr, 71 min.
Meeting with Feliks Falk and Marina Fabbri after the screening of Spokój. Hosted by Diana Dąbrowska
15:00 – 17:30 Siedlisko (1998) – dir. Janusz Majewski, episodes 7–9, 150 min.
17:30 – 18:30 Open workshops – digital film reconstruction
START 18:30 Czarna suknia (1967) – dir. Janusz Majewski, 60 min.
Ja gorę! – Opowieści Niezwykłe (1967) – dir. Janusz Majewski, 27 min.
Urząd (1969) – dir. Janusz Majewski, 83 min.
Diabelska Edukacja (1994) – dir. Janusz Majewski, 28 min.
Meeting with Kinga Dębska and Milenia Fiedler after the screening of Urząd. Hosted by Diana Dąbrowska.
15:00 – 17:30 Przystań (1997) – dir. Jan Hryniak, 78 min.
17:30 – 18:30 Open workshops – digital film reconstruction
START 18:30 Żurek (2003) – dir. Ryszard Brylski, 71 min.
Marzec ’68 (2022) – dir. Krzysztof Lang, 117 min.
Meeting with Maria Dębska and Tomasz Naumiuk after the screening of. Hosted by Diana Dąbrowska.
15:00 – 16:00 Historia „Zbrodni i kary” / Ludzie z żelaza, 35 min.
16:00 – 17:30 “Andrzej Wajda – artist, citizen. What do archives of TVP tell?” / open panel of Andrzej Wajda Centre for Film Culture
17:30 – 18:30 Open workshops – digital film reconstruction
START 18:30 Pograbek (1992) – dir. Jan Jakub Kolski, 60 min.
Jańcio Wodnik (1993) – dir. Jan Jakub Kolski, 100 min.
Meeting with Piotr Lenar, director of photography, after the screening of Jańcio Wodnik. Hosted by Diana Dąbrowska.
10:00 – 11:30 Między nami bocianami (1997) – dir. Bronisłąw Zeman, Andrzej Flettner,
Marek Burda, episodes 1–4, 88 min.
12:30 – 15:00 Republika dzieci (2021) – dir. Jan Jakub Kolski, 134 min.
15:00 – 17:00 Gwiazdy – Grechuta / Festiwal Interwizji Sopot 1977 / Jarocin ’84 /
Zabaw się – Sipińska, 116 min.
17:30 – 18:30 Open workshops – digital film reconstruction
START 18:30 Lubię wracać tam, gdzie byłem (2023) – dir. Maciej Dancewicz, 57 min.
Sonata (2021) – dir. Bartosz Blaschke, 118 min.