Variable Interest Rate
Teresa Czepiec
2022, 0 h 37 minA seemingly ordinary event, signing a mortgage contract with a bank, becomes a pretext for a fascinating game played between two characters: a Banker and his female Client. The man knows her: she teaches his daughter. Unexpectedly, their conversation deviates far from the usual contract signing procedure. The drama of the meeting stems from Banker’s fight for the Client’s ‘soul’. His position as a representative of a powerful system is seemingly unquestionable and gives him a considerable advantage over the Client. However, the tables turn when she openly questions the whole system as immoral. Philosophical aspects of their confrontation will take the topic of the predatory credit market to a spiritual level.
written by: Anna Wakulik
director of photography: Ernest Wilczyński
music: Wojciech Frycz
production design: Katarzyna Filimoniuk, Natalia Maciejewska
costume design: Wanda Kowalska
make-up: Milena Jura, Justyna Koczara
sound: Marcin Jachyra, Leszek Freund
edited by: Jakub Motylewski
cast: Klara Bielawka, Mateusz Król, Maria Maj
production: Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych
producer: Zbigniew Domagalski
production manager: Paweł Mantorski