Passes can be purchased on the website >>
When does the passes online sale begin?
The passes sale starts on 24 April 2012.
When does the online passes sale close?
The passes sale continues until 08 May 2012 or until they are sold out.
When can you buy passes at the cinema?
Starting 7-8 May passes will also be available for sale at the festival box offices located on the ground floor of Centrum Gemini.
How much does the pass cost?
Full price pass cost: PLN 150.00
Reduced price pass cost: PLN 100.00
What does the pass entitle to?
Each pass is programmed for 34 points (1 point equals 1 film screening), and therefore entitles you to participate in 30 screenings (it is the maximum number of films one can watch: 6 days of the festival x 5 screenings per day), provided that a reservation is made for a particular screening. One absence is allowed without cancellation of the booking (for which 4 points shall be deducted). The pass entitles you to enter film screenings held in Multikino in Gdynia (Waszyngtona 21) and Klub Filmowy in Gdynia (Waszyngtona 1).
When can I make a reservation?
A reservation can be made starting one day preceding the screening, from 8:30 a.m. till the beginning of the screening. Here’s an example: the screening which takes place on 8 May can be booked as early as 7 May, 8:30 a.m. This is to eliminate a situation when on the very first day all the seats are fully booked. This will allow you to quietly browse the festival programme and make a conscious decision. Bear in mind that you can book only one seat for a chosen screening at a given time, and that you cannot book more than one seat for a screening at the same time on a given day.
What if I want to go to a different film (other than previously planned)?
If you decide to go to a different film than you have previously planned, you have to cancel the existing reservation and make a new one. This can be done no later than 15 min. before the screening. If the cancellation is not made and you do not attend the screening, 4 points will be deducted from the number of points on your pass, so be sure to cancel your booking beforehand.
Where can I cancel a reservation?
Reservation can be cancelled in all festival facilities. There will be computer stations with Internet access prepared for such proceedings.
Can I transfer my pass?
The pass cannot be transferred under any circumstances. It is assigned to the person who purchases it. It displays the owner’s name and photo.
How do I attach a photo to the pass?
By placing an order for the pass (you need to register on our website, after completing the data you will find the button “Attach a photo to the pass”. Photo is attached to the pass in the same way as a file is attached to an email (an attachment). You can also take a photo with a webcam. It will be attached directly to the panel.
What are the requirements for the photo which is attached to the order for the pass?
This should be a recent portrait photo in a file which does not exceed 2 Mb, with minimum dimensions of 400 pixels x 400 pixels, in png, gif or jpg format. Photos are needed to identify the pass owner. No photo or a photo which is unsuitable for identification of the person who ordered the pass, will make the order invalid.
Where and when can I collect the pass?
Passes can be collected starting 07 May 2012 (from 9:00 a.m.) in the Participant’s Service Point, located on the ground floor of Centrum Gemini in Gdynia (Waszyngtona 21) upon presentation of an identification card or another document with a photo.