The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

After Midnight

After Midnight


Maciej Plamowski

2004, 0 h 37 min

The action of the film takes place over one night in a city. Bonzo, Siwy and Gillu try to organize a nice evening. Since they have no money, the men decide to go for a free beer in a distant bar. Wandering through the empty streets, they meet all sorts of people, sometimes as lonely as themselves.

Written by: Maciej Plamowski
Directors of photography: Andrzej Moś, Radosław Ładczuk
Editing: Zdzisław Siwik
Cast: Bartłomiej Bill (Gillu), Ziemowit Adamski (Siwy), Maciej Plamowski (Bonzo)
Produced by: Koniński Dom Kultury
Distributed by: open

Main Competition
Sekcje pozakonkursowe