
Robert Krzempek

2006, 1 h 35 min

39-year-old bachelor Fazi lives alone in a studio flat on the outskirts of a Silesian city. For years now, he’s been supported by his mother who gives him half of her monthly pension. One day, though, a terrible thing happens: the mailman delivering pensions runs away with the money. The mother can’t give Fazi the usual sum. What’s more, she needs to leave for a few-week stay in a sanatorium immediately. Fazi is left with a piece of bread and ketchup in a fridge and two zlotys in a pocket. Will he survive in the brutal world where everyone struggles for existence? Governed by its own rules, it looks nothing like his mother’s care.

Written by: Robert Krzempek
Director of photography: Adam Nocoń
Music by: Czarna Dziura, Tomasz Jarczyk, Przemysław Witkowicz
Production design by: Elwira Pluta
Costume design by: Katarzyna Kańska-Sierocińska, Agnieszka Modelska-Paluch
Editing: Aleksandra Gruziel, Robert Krzempek
Sound: Andrzej Żabicki
Cast: Sebastian Pawlak (Fazi), Jadwiga Lesiak (mother), Bartosz Żukowski (Sproket), Cezary Żak (rich man), Jerzy Trela (meat consignment shop owner), Elżbieta Okupska (Barbara), Jerzy Łapiński (employment office clerk), Henryk Gołębiewski (scrap collector), Jerzy Matula (warehouseman at the supermarket)
Production manager: Anna Wojdat
Produced by: Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych
Co-produced by: Studio Filmowe “Zebra”, Studio Filmowe “Perspektywa”
Producer: Włodzimierz Niderhaus
Co-producers: Juliusz Machulski, Janusz Morgenstern
Distributed by: Monolith Plus
Artistic supervision: Jerzy Stuhr
Co-financed by: Agencja Produkcji Filmowej

Main Competition
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