The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024



Piotr Matwiejczyk

2006, 1 h 2 min

Irresponsible young adult couple wants to sell their child to a couple whose child died. The transaction is to be closed before the child is born. Pregnant girl’s mother, who hides some secret from the past, firmly opposes the idea. The characters will be severely challenged.

Written by: Piotr Matwiejczyk
Director of photography: Piotr Żukowski
Music by: Łukasz Lipiński
Costume design by: Goria Kornyluk
Editing: Piotr Matwiejczyk
Sound: Łukasz Lipiński
Cast: Sylwia Juszczak (Anna), Marcin Dorociński (Dominik), Dawid Antkowiak (Dawid), Teresa Sawicka (mother), Magdalena Woźniak (Magda), Angelika Kubasik (Jagoda), Andrzej Gałła (doctor), Leszek Rosołek (father)
Production manager: Piotr Matwiejczyk
Produced by: Muflon Pictures
Producers: Piotr Matwiejczyk, Piotr Żukowski

Main Competition
Sekcje pozakonkursowe