The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024




Piotr Matwiejczyk

NULL, 1 h 12 min

The story about a lost girl who decides “to close her eyes”. When she does so, her family and friends start wondering what had happened. Finding out about the people who surround her, we begin to understand her choice. In every character, there is a hidden key to the cause of her suicidal attempt.

Written by: Piotr Matwiejczyk
Director of photography: Piotr Żukowski
Music by: Dominik Kwaśniewski
Production design by: Mateusz Żubrzyk
Sound: Antoni Dawidziak
Editing: Pierre Juju
Make-up: Olga Wiśniowska, Monika Wiśniowska
Costume design by: Joanna Pitura, Zuzanna Winiarska
Production manager:
Produced by: Muflon Pictures; Exd’art – obrazy bez granic
Producer: Piotr Matwiejczyk, Piotr Żukowski
Country and year of production: Poland, 2007
Cast: Sara Muldner, Mirosław Baka, Agnieszka Wagner, Marcin Dorociński, Sylwia Juszczak, Łukasz Niedziela, Teresa Sawicka
Length: 72 min.

Main Competition
Sekcje pozakonkursowe