


Emilia Zielonka

2015, 0 h 26 min

Irka and Miłosz. A pair of teenagers. They lock themselves up in a hotel room. The plan seems perfect. They are guided by one thought: our love is indestructible. Twelve hours at the hotel will change everything between them.

produced by Gdyńska Szkoła Filmowa
producers Leszek Kopeć, Jerzy Rados
artistic supervision Grzegorz Łoszewski, Filip Marczewski, Sławomir Pultyn, Irena Siedlar
directed by Emilia Zielonka
written by Agata K. Koschmieder
director of photography Bartosz Świniarski
music by Zbyszek Węgliński
production design by Marta Sieczak
make-up by Magda Szarzyńska
sound by Piotr Pastuszak
edited by Emilia Zielonka, Irena Siedlar
cast Sonia Mietielica, Józef Pawłowski, Dorota Androsz, Zbigniew Węgliński
production manager Joanna Pultyn
co-financed by Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej

Main Competition
Konkurs Młodego Kina
Konkurs Fabularnych Filmów Krótkometrażowych
Konkurs Inne Spojrzenie
Sekcje pozakonkursowe