Industry Partners

It has been operating since 2003 as the world only channel devoted to the Polish cinematography. Numerous awards prove the quality of the programme offer - for instance, Hot Bird TV Award or Polish Film Institute Awards. Both series and film cycles of Telewizja Kino Polska enjoy great popularity and the programmes of the channel host the legends of the Polish cinematography and its rising stars.
Filmowcy Polscy
Magazyn Filmowy SFP
Legal Culture
Legal Culture shows how to use the Internet without limiting the freedom of creators. We promote legal sources of culture and teach how to use them. On the portal, we create a Legal Sources Database, hold workshops and make educational-cultural workshops. We make the culture recipients aware of the fact that they do not become someone else in the Internet, and the ethical principles apply also in the net.
Gdyńskie Centrum Filmowe
"Everything I've learned, I've learned from the movies" by Audrey Hepburn is this year's motto of ORKA, one of the largest studios specialising in post-production and special effects. A reliable, trustworthy partner, a co-producer of valuable feature and documentary projects.
Kultura dostępna
Film&TV Kamera
Film&TV Kamera Specjalistyczny magazyn branżowy dedykowany różnym aspektom produkcji filmowej, adresowany do przedstawicieli branży: reżyserów, operatorów, producentów, dźwiękowców, montażystów itp. Ukazuje się kwartalnie od 2002 r. i na stałe współpracuje z niemieckim Film&TV Kameramannem oraz wieloma instytucjami branżowymi, targami i festiwalami.