46th PFF in Gdynia: onsite and online

Films from two Festival competitions and out-of-competition sections – adding up to a total of about 50 titles – will be available to watch on the VOD platform of the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia. The sale of online accreditations will begin on Monday, 6th September.
This year’s Polish Film Festival will take place in Gdynia: film screenings will be held in the Musical Theatre, the Gdynia Film Centre and the Helios cinema. The onsite festival will be accompanied by the film programme available online.
Accreditations allowing to view the online programme of the 46th PFF are separate from the accreditations for the onsite screenings.
You’ll be able to purchase accreditations for 10 and 20 online film screenings, at a price of PLN 50 and PLN 100 respectively. The price for a single online screening is PLN 8.
Online accreditations can only be purchased via the Internet on the Festival’s website system.festiwalgdynia.pl/en. The ticket sale will begin on Monday, 6th September 2021, 10:00 a.m.
What can be found in the online programme?
This year’s virtual part of the Festival includes all films from the Short Film Competition and the Microbudget Film Competition. Films from the Main Competition won’t be available online.
Online accreditation holders will be able to watch chosen films from the out-of-competition sections, among others, Pure Classics, which includes a vast selection of works by Andrzej Munk, as well as films such as: No End by Krzysztof Kieślowski and On the Silver Globe by Andrzej Żuławski. Moreover, on the VOD platform you’ll be able to watch Fever, a film by a Golden Lions winner, Agnieszka Holland, and access the Films from Gdynia section.
How to use online accreditation?
Online film screenings will be available on 20th-25th September 2021 in virtual screening rooms in accordance with the established screening schedule.
To watch a chosen film, you have to log into the website system.festiwalgdynia.pl and reserve a seat for a chosen film screening. Number of seats in every virtual screening room is limited, so it’s advisable to make reservations in advance, in the same manner as in the case of accreditation for onsite screenings.
After making the reservation, proceed to “RESERVATIONS” and then click the “HISTORY” tab. Under the title of a film you’ve chosen, you’ll find a link for the PFF VOD platform, which will allow you to access the screening.
Screening for which the reservation was made will be available during the time specified in the schedule. EXAMPLE: If the screening is scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., it means that the film can be watched only during this timeframe. Therefore, if you were to start watching a film at 11:00 a.m., and its runtime is 90 minutes, you might not be able to finish watching it. During the screening, you’ll be able to pause and rewind the film.
The 46th Polish Film Festival takes place on 20th-25th September 2021 in Gdynia.