47th Polish Film Festival press conference | Gdynia Film Centre | 6.09.22

We would like to invite you to the 47th Polish Film Festival press conference that will be held on Tuesday, 6th September, at 12:00 p.m. in the Gdynia Film Centre, Goplana screening room.
The conference will be attended by:
Wojciech Szczurek – the Mayor of the City of Gdynia
Leszek Kopeć – the Director of the Festival
Tomasz Kolankiewicz – the Artistic Director of the Festival
After the official part, you are invited to join us for lunch.
Please confirm your attendance until Sunday 5th September 2022, by e-mail: k.weiher@festiwalgdynia.pl
The 47th Polish Film Festival will take place between 12th and 17th September 2022.
The 47th Polish Film Festival press conference in the Gdynia Film Centre | Goplana screening room
6.09.2022 (Tuesday), 12:00 p.m.