Ciapkowo Dog Exhibition of works by Zofia Różycka

We associate dogs with friendship, fidelity and walks. With joy. The dogs depicted by Zofia Różycka live at Ciapkowo Shelter for Homeless Animals in Gdynia and bring a smile to everyone’s face. Although the artist focused on dogs that are practically non-adoptable, all we can see is pure joy: chasing a ball, playing with a butterfly, wagging a tail.
At the same time, the dogs force the viewer to think about the feelings of animals that no one wants. How many of these emotions do we share with them? Are we responsible for their fate? Can we change it? What can we give to n o n – a d o p t a b l e dogs? What can they give us? And is there room for JOY in all this?
The exhibition is accompanied by a charity collection.
12th–27th September 2022 Gallery – Gdynia Film Centre
The 47th Polish Film Festival will take place between 12th and 17th September 2022