FRIDAY | 47th PFF | 16th September

We invite you to the fifth day of the 47th Polish Film Festival!
At you’ll find the festival programme as well as information on accompanying events, meetings and exhibitions.
What’s on the programme for today?
Friday, 15.09
- screenings of films from the Main Competition:
Apokawixa, directed by: Xawery Żuławski
Broad Peak, directed by: Leszek Dawid
Brigitte Bardot Forever, directed by: Lech Majewski
Bread and Salt, directed by:Damian Kocur
Silent Land, directed by: Aga Woszczyńska
Filip, directed by: Michał Kwieciński
Fools, directed by: Tomasz Wasilewski
Illusion, directed by: Marta Minorowicz
EO, directed by: Jerzy Skolimowski
Johnny, directed by: Daniel Jaroszek
Woman on the Roof, directed by: Anna Jadowska
Young Eagles, directed by: Krzysztof Łukaszewicz
Shreds, directed by: Beata Dzianowicz
Backwards, directed by: Jacek Lusiński
Dad, directed by: Anna Maliszewska
The Silent Twins, directed by: Agnieszka Smoczyńska
Splinter, directed by: Grzegorz Mołda
- screenings of films from the Microbudget Film Competition
- screenings of all films from the Short Film Competition
- Gdynia Industry
- Polonica: Pamfir, directed by: Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk + meeting and Borders of Love, directed by: Tomasz Wiński + meeting
- Platinum Lions: Aria for an Athlete, directed by: Filip Bajon
- Films from Gdynia: Tell Me My Story, directed by Maciej Miller + meeting
- meetings around books: Paweł Biliński, Kinematograf o sobie. Autotematyzm w polskim filmie fabularnym; Magda Miśka-Jackowska, Kilar; and Michał J. Zabłocki, Kompendium produkcji filmu fabularnego. Ekipa filmowa: przedmiot umowy i zakres obowiązków oraz słownik terminologii. Tom 5
- Gdynia for Children
- TVP Digital Reconstruction Zone
- Young Gala
- Debate: Polish Transnational Cinema
- Film Screenings with Audio Description And Subtitles