Greener Gdynia. Changes at the PFF

Less plastic and printed promotional materials, sustainable transport, promoting ecological awareness of the participants – Polish Film Festival introduces solutions, which will make it greener. During the 46th PFF, this matter will be present in the everyday life of the participants, as well as in the programme of industry events.
Polish Film Festival in Gdynia, similarly to other events on such a large scale – by drawing crowds of creators and cinema lovers to the city– generates carbon footprint. Organisers care to minimise it, so they systematically introduce ecological solutions. This is true for both the months-long period of preparatory work and the time of the Festival itself.
With the environment in mind, the amount of printed promotional materials for the Festival was significantly reduced. Accredited participants will receive the festival packages in a new formula. Organisers are also moving away from using single-use plastic packaging and are promoting sustainable transport. Festival joined other “Culture for Climate” signatories – a grassroots initiative for the ecological functioning of cultural institutions. Full text of the Environmental Declaration can be found on the website
The debate on the topic of sustainable film production under the motto “Audiovisual Industry for Climate. How to Make It Greener?” was included in the programme of this year’s industry meetings organised as a part of Gdynia Industry. This event will familiarise the participants with legislative and practical actions, which were already undertaken in this matter in Europe, and it will initiate the public debate regarding environment-friendly standards of the audiovisual production in Poland. Partners of this discussion are: Polish Film Institute, Agreement Group, Polish Audiovisual Producers Chamber of Commerce. During the event, the open manifesto “Agreement for Green Audiovisual Production – Film for Climate” will be signed.
This year, Electrolux becomes one of the partners of the Festival in Gdynia, promoting the idea of circularity, which is, at the same time, a manifestation of responsibility for our planet. It encourages the Festival’s Guests to choose their clothes for the Red Carpet with regards for the environment. The brand’s message during the Festival will be also presented by the open-air zone “Wear longer”. This partner became a patron of the out-of-competition section Pure Classics.
The 46th Polish Film Festival takes place on 20th-25th September 2021 in Gdynia.