SATURDAY at the 48th PFF | 23th September

What’s on the programme for today?
Saturday, 23.09.23
- screenings of all films from the Main Competition
- screenings of the winners of the Short Film Competition
- Documentaries in Gdynia:
MDAG in Gdynia Apolonia, Apolonia, directed by: Lea Glob
- Films from Gdynia:
I Saw the Face of the Devil, directed by: Julia Kowalski | the screening followed by a meeting with the filmmakers
- The Big Five: Filip Bajon – How Far, How Near, directed by: Tadeusz Konwicki | meeting after the screening hosted by Fr Andrzej Luter
- Closing Gala | by invitation only | TVP Kultura broadcasts starts at 7:00 p.m.
- Accompanying events: Polish Filmmakers Association Forum, Red Carpet Ceremony, TVP Reconstruction Zone