Presentation of the PTBFM Awards for the best book and debut of the year 2021

The General Board of the Polish Society for Film and Media Studies invites you to the award ceremony for the best book and debut of the year 2021.
14th September 2022, 4 p.m., Chamber Stage of the Musical Theatre in Gdynia
Nominations in the Best Book of the Year 2021 category
Sebastian Jagielski, Przerwane emancypacje: polityka ekscesu w kinie polskim lat 1968-1982 (Interrupted Emancipations: The Politics of Excess in Polish Cinema in the years 1968-1982), Cracow: Society of Scientific Papers Authors and Publishers UNIVERSITAS, 2021.
Dominika Agata Myślak, Od serialu telewizyjnego do odserialowych formatów internetowych (From television series to web series formats), Olsztyn: University of Warmia and Mazury Publishing House, 2021.
Jerzy Łukaszewicz, Zdarzenie – technika – sztuka: myślenie sztuki filmowej: obserwacje (Event – Technique – Art: Film Art Thinking: Observations), Katowice: Publishing House of the University of Silesia, 2021.
Tomasz Żaglewski, Superkultura: geneza fenomenu superbohaterów (Superculture: The Genesis of the Phenomenon of Superheroes), Cracow: Society of Scientific Papers Authors and Publishers UNIVERSITAS, 2021.
Nominations in the Debut of the Year 2021 category
Paweł Biliński, Kinematograf o sobie: autotematyzm w polskim filmie fabularnym (Cinematographer on Himself: Self-refelentialism in Polish Feature Films), Gdańsk: University of Gdańsk Publishing House, 2021.
Ewelina Twardoch-Raś, Sztuka biometryczna w perspektywie filozofii post- i transhumanizmu. W stronę estetyki postafektywnej (Biometric Art in the Perspective of Post and Transhumanist Philosophy. Towards a Post-affective Aesthetic), Cracow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2021.
Adam Cybulski, „Kłopotliwe” ciała: strategie przedstawiania fizycznej „anormalności” we współczesnym filmie fikcji (‘Troublesome’ Bodies: Strategies of Representing Physical ‘Abnormality’ in Contemporary Film Fiction), Łódź: Łódź University Press, The Leon Schiller National School of Film, Television and Theatre, 2021.
Janusz Lachowski, Anatola Sterna związki z kinematografią (Anatol Stern’s relationship with cinematography), Cracow: Society of Scientific Papers Authors and Publishers UNIVERSITAS, 2021.
Composition of Jury
Elżbieta Durys, PhD, DSc, Prof. Tit., UW – President
Marcin Maron, PhD, DSc, UMCS – Secretary
Prof. Krzysztof Loska, PhD, DSc, Prof. Tit., UJ
Paweł Sitkiewicz, PhD, DSc, Prof. Tit., UG
Monika Talarczyk-Gubała, PhD, DSc, Prof. Tit., PWSFTviT