Profile of the PFF in Gdynia attendee. Qualitative study

Since 2018, a team of researchers and students from the Faculty of Human Geography and Planning of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Film and TV Production Organization Department of the Łódź Film School has been conducting comprehensive studies on the audience of the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia. Thanks to the large sample (over a thousand surveys a year) we have expanded our knowledge about Festival’s attendees, their choices, preferences and even expenses. This information helps us estimate and evaluate the Festival’s impact on the growth of Gdynia and the Tricity, and decide which programme sections, communication methods or information channels to develop to meet the expectations of the festival audience better.
During the 49th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia the fifth edition of the study is going to take place. The project called Profile of the PFF in Gdynia attendee. Qualitative study has received support from the Polish Film Institute within the framework of the programme Film Culture Promotion – Objective V: Audiovisual Market Research. This year, above all, we are focussing on individual in-depth interviews. We invite Festival guests, viewers and participants to talk about the present and the future of this event. We will draw winners from among our interlocutors, including accreditations and passes for the 50th Polish Film Festival. Join us!