One of the most recognisable Polish actresses and two-time winner of the award for an actress in a leading role at the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia with over fifty films and television series to her credit, such as box office hits Kogel-mogel, Galimatias, czyli kogel-mogel 2 and the third instalment in the franchise, Miszmasz, czyli kogel-mogel 3. Also known for her roles in the arthouse productions Johnie Waterman, Jasminum (Golden Horseshoe at the 2006 Wakacyjne Kadry Film Festival in Cieszyn), Miraculous Place (award for an actress in a leading role at the PFF in Gdynia), Pornography, Afonia and the Bees (Golden Knight for Best Actress at the 2010 Golden Knight International Film Forum in Moscow) and Pardon, which brought her the second award for an actress in a leading role at the PFF in Gdynia as well as the Slate Award for Best Actress at the 2019 Film and Theatre Festival in Zielona Góra and the Special Award at the 2019 Prowincjonalia Nationwide Film Art Festival in Września. Talented musical (Piosenki polne i okoliczne) and theatre actress.
Her new films The Republic of Children (dir. Jan Jakub Kolski), Koniec świata, czyli kogel-mogel 4 (dir. Anna Wieczur-Bluszcz) and The Forest (dir. Joanna Zastróżna) will soon premiere in cinemas.