Michał Łukowicz
Michał Łukowicz is a lawyer and Polish philologist (PhD in literary studies), a student of directing at the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School at the University of Silesia and a teacher at the State High School of Fine Arts in Katowice. He has won several awards at national and international independent film festivals (for the films Ja, człowiek w kapeluszu i mój brat and Berhavert). Finalist of the Scena Nowa Dramaturgii programme at Wanda Siemaszkowa Theatre in Rzeszów (Superbohater, 2019) and Katowicka Runda Teatralna (Kuszenie Wojciecha K. Hollywoodzki horror w trzech aktach, 2019) and semi-finalist of the 31st Theatre Play for Children and Youth Competition (Superbohater and Wspaniałe Wypieki Felka Talk Show, 2019). He is also a regular contributor to the magazine ArtPapier.