The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

Krystyna Łubieńska. The Remembrance

Krystyna Łubieńska. The Remembrance


Piotr Bieliński, Piotr Czarnecki, Jan Orszulak, Adam Rompczyk

2024, 0 h 24 min

The film tells the story of one of the most colourful actresses of the Polish Riviera. In the fifty years of artistic activity, Krystyna Łubieńska played over two hundred roles. She performed alongside Adolf Dymsza in the film My Old Man, directed by Janusz Nasfeter. Her role as Ophelia, directed by Andrzej Wajda at Teatr Wybrzeże, is still well-remembered.

written by: Adam Rompczyk
director of photography: Piotr Czarnecki, Krzysztof Iglikowski
production design: Aleksandra Ciapka (opieka scenograficzna)
make-up: Joanna Krasoń, Sylwia Labuda
sound: Wojciech Cwyk, Karol Szykowny
edited by: Jan Orszulak
cast: Krystyna Łubieńska, Justyna Bartoszewicz, Adam Nalepa
production: Magenta Project
producers: Piotr Czarnecki, Piotr Bieliński
co-produced by: Standby Studio
production manager: Katarzyna Kulik, Adam Rompczyk

Film Screenings Schedule

    DAY 1 - 23rd September 2024   BUY
    DAY 2 - 24th September 2024   BUY
14:00 Krystyna Łubieńska. The Remembrance Helios - Sala 6
    DAY 2 - 25th September 2024   BUY
    DAY 4 - 26th September 2024   BUY
    DAY 5 - 27th September 2024   BUY
    DAY 6 - 28th September 2024   BUY