Late Bloomers
Lisa Steen
2023, 1 h 32 minAn aimless 28 year-old Brooklynite lands in the hospital after drunkenly breaking her hip being stupid. An encounter with a cranky elderly Polish woman who speaks no English leads to a job caring for her. Neither likes it, but it’s time to grow up.
written by: Anna Greenfield
director of photography: John de Menil
music: Osei Essed
production design: James Bartol
costume design: Sarah Maiorino
make up: Emily Klein, Felicia Nelson
sound: Ugo Derouard, Justin M. Green, Alex Backus
edited by: Anisha Acharya
casting by: Eyde Belasco
cast: Karen Gillan, Margaret Sophie Stein, Jermaine Fowler, Kevin Nealon, Talia Balsam, Michelle Twarowska
production: Park Pictures, We’re Doin’ Great, Fierce Optimism Films, Good Gravy Films, World of HA Productions, Burn Later Productions, mm2 Asia, Bindery Film
producers: Alexandra Barreto, Taylor Feltner, Sam Bisbee
executive producers: Jackie Kelman Bisbee, Lance Acord, Cody Ryder, Wendy Neu, Franklin Carson
co-produced by: Donna Gruneich, Kevin Gruneich
distributed by: Vertical Entertainment