The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

The Congress

The Congress


Ari Folman

2013, 2 h 2 min
“The Congress” is a long-awaited visionary film production based on “The Futurological Congress” by Stanisław Lem.

The border between the reality and fiction is blurred in “The Congress”: Robin Wright performs the role of herself in it. She lives with two teenage kids on a ranch, far from the civilization, when a big Hollywood studio makes her an unusual offer. Due to advanced digital technology, Wright can be ‘scanned’ and thus can acquire eternal youth in every following film. From that moment, all her roles will be played by a virtual copy. The decision made by the woman in order to have unlimited time for her family turns out to be the beginning of her journey through the future world where powerful film studios and pharmaceutical corporations offer total forms of entertainment while manipulating human consciousness. “The Congress” is an innovative and intriguing film, full of satirical ideas about the world of unlimited technological possibilities which in no time will set the border of our freedom and dictate our desires.

Written by: Ari Folman
Based on a story “The Futurological Congress” by Stanisław Lem
Production design by: David Polonsky
Animated by: Yoni Goodman
Director of photography: Michał Englert
Music by: Max Richter
Editing: Nili Feller
Producers: Sébastien Delloye, Diana Elbaum, David Grumbach, Eitan Mansuri, Jeremiah Samuels
Produced by: Bridgit Folman Film Gang, Pandora Film, Opus Film, Paul Thiltges Distribution, ARP, Entre Chien et Loup
Main Competition
Konkurs Młodego Kina
Przegląd Polskiego Kina Niezależnego
Sekcje pozakonkursowe