The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

Shadows of the Empire

Shadows of the Empire


Karol Starnawski

2018, 1 h 16 min

Can you live in a shadow cast by an empire? This question keeps coming back in each of the three stories. Though the Soviet Union disappeared from maps thirty years ago, Alexei from Nagorno-Karabakh, Timur from Ukraine and Alexander from Georgia still live in uncertainty, forced to face the eponymous “shadows of the empire” every single day. All three of them contribute to a complicated history of post-Soviet countries and their citizens who struggle to change their lives and keep chasing a dream of peace in spite of big politics.

The documentary was inspired by Tomasz Grzywaczewski’s book Limits to Your Dreams.

written by Tomasz Grzywaczewski, Dawid Wildstein
director of photography Filip Drożdż
music Michał Drabczyk
sound Grzegorz Różycki, Piotr Domaradzki
edited by Paweł Kowalik
production Studio Filmowe Kadr 

producer Filip Bajon, Dariusz Sidor
production manager Jacek Dąbrowski-Udziela
co-financed by Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej

Main Competition
Short Film Competition
Sekcje pozakonkursowe