The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

Paula Markovitch

Paula Markovitch

Screenwriter and director. Her most important films include: “The Prize” (2011 – screenplay, directiong and production), “Lake Tahoe” (2008, co-author of the screenplay, dir. Fernando Eimbcke), “Temporada de patos” (2004 – co-author of the screenplay, dir. Fernando Eimbcke), “Dos abrazos” (2007 – screenplay, dir. Enrique Begnas), “Sender Unknown” (1995 – screenplay, dir. Carlos Carrera), “Elisa before the end of the World” (1994 – screenplay, dir. Juan de la Riva).

Paula Markovitch made two short films: “Perriférico” (1999 – screenplay and directing) and “Ambulance Music” (2006 – screenplay and directing).

Markovitch directed or collaborated at films shown on many festivals around the world. She won numerous prizes, such as:

– New Cinema Award, Tribeca 2007, for the film “Dos abrazos”,

– the FIPRESCI Award and the Alfred Bauer Prize (for innovativeness) at 58th Berlinale in 2008 for the film “Lake Tahoe”,

– the Sundance Institute/NHK Award for the film “Lake Tahoe”.

“The Prize” – Paula Markovitch’s feature film debut premiered in February 2011 at the Berlin International Film Festival. It won two Silver Bears for the outstanding artistic achievement: for Wojciech Staroń for the cinematography and for Barbara Enriquez for the production design.

The film was also recognised with many awards at the Guadalajara International Film Festival: for the best film, for the best actress (Paula Galinelli Hertzog), press award for the best film and Mezcal Award for the best film.