A contest for a spot about honesty in culture. Zbyszek Cybulski inspires.

Film is still as crucial as bread.
Get inspired with Zbyszek Cybulski’s words and make a spot about honesty in culture.
The Legal Culture Foundation and the Polish Film Festival announce a contest for a spot promoting the honest use of culture as one of the foundations of functioning in the digital world. This year’s edition is inspired with the words of the iconic figure of the Polish cinema, Zbyszek Cybulski.
Film is the most popular kind of art because to billions of people, it is still as crucial as bread – due to its atmosphere and the fact that each viewer when watching a film is looking for their own face, their own life, problems that touch them personally. The statement by Zbigniew Cybulski emphasises that the emotions and reflections that the viewes owe to the 10th Muse are of fundamental meaning to people. Moreover, the cinema gives the chance of common experiences and of disconnecting from the everyday problems but the film is also indescribable magic that enriches life and helps to understand the world, people and ourselves. – The viewer is invited to the cinema and it is, the people of the film, who invites – the outstanding actor said in an interview.
The aim of the Contest for a spot about honesty in culture is to promote the proper behaviour and to show how important for the condition of culture using its legal sources is. To take part in the contest, you do not have to be a professional filmmaker. You can make the spot using a camera, a mobile phone or by preparing an animation. Creativity, the ability of reaching the recipient and making them reflect is what counts. Time is the only limit – the spot can last no more than one minute.
The reference to Cybulski’s words draws attention to the extremely important role of the cinema in the era of digital culture. – The Internet has no doubt changed the world, interpersonal relations, access to culture and the manner of dealing with films. We live in a realm of motion pictures that accompany us at each step. In this stream of information we should not, though, lose sight of the most important issue: the cinema, and more broadly, culture, is a communion of makers and recipients – they do not exist without one another. This is why it is so important to use the legal sources of culture, giving access to films and culture in accord with the will of the filmmakers and with the law. The message is obvious seemingly only as we, usually honest in the real life, often do not transfer the proper behaviours to the Internet, while we do not become someone else there. The same rules apply – the organisers of the Legal Culture contest declare.
The deadline for submitting films passes on 6th September 2017. The participants of the Contest for a Legal Culture Special Award have the chance to see their work during the 42nd Polish Film Festival, presented along the Polish filmmakers.
The spots, of an authorship nature, can be submitted by natural or legal persons, as well as by film crews. All the materials used in the film – music, films, photographs, books, illustrations, games and others – must come from legal sources and cannot breach neither the copyright nor personal goods of third parties.
The films submitted will be evaluated by the Short Film Competition Jury of the 42nd Polish Film Festival, which will grant the following awards:
• 1st Award: PLN 8 000
• 2nd Award: PLN 4 000
• 3rd Award: PLN 2 000
In addition, the winners of the Contest will complete an internship at the film sets of the best Polish producers.
The finale of the Contest for a spot about honesty in culture will take place during the 42nd Polish Film Festival, which will be held from 18th to 23rd September 2017.
Detailed substantial assumptions of the Contest, the mode of submitting films, and technical requirements are in the Rules and Regulations of the Contest, available at: