A different date for the 45th Polish Film Festival?

The organization of the 45th Polish Film Festival in September 2020 is becoming less and less realistic. The Organizing Committee will decide on the new date of the event at the meeting scheduled for June 2.
A meeting of the Organizing Committee on this matter will take place on May 20. According to the Polish Film Institute, possible guidelines for mass events in Poland should be taken into account. More information can be found HERE (in Polish).
Uncertainty related to the epidemiological situation in Poland and in the world and the forced downtime in film productions are the main reasons for a possible decision to postpone this year’s Festival, to which the members of the Organizing Committee are inclined.
“We give ourselves some time to get more data and carefully analyse the situation in the Polish film industry. We want to reliably assess when and how many new films could be submitted to the Main Competition in Gdynia. However, everything indicates that there are definitely too few of them to have a regular call of entries, which we usually carry out in May with the September Festival in mind. Therefore, the scenario of postponing the event is becoming more realistic” – explains Leszek Kopeć, Festival Director.
A possible new date, 45. FPFF may refer to November or December 2020, or even January 2021. “It all depends on when the discontinued film productions will be resumed, which the pandemic surprised at various stages of work” – Leszek Kopeć points out.