
Accreditation forms will be accepted till June, 1 2011. Until May, 20 the cost is 350 PLN. Later it will be 400 PLN.
There are two kinds of accreditations available: a press accreditation and observer’s accreditation (you can find the forms in VIEWER’S ZONE and FOR MEDIA sections of the menu). They both entitle to participate in all screenings in the Festival Centre in the Musical Theater and in Multikino in Gdynia and in the accompanying events of 36 PFF (excluding closed events with separate invitations). Aditionally, each accreditation holder will receive the Festival’s packete with the catalogue and other promotional materials.
Please send filled accreditation forms by mail, fax or as a scanned document.
Organizational Office of 36 PFF
Pomeranian Film Foundation in Gdynia
Folwarczna 2
81-547 Gdynia
tel +48 58 621 15 09
fax +48 58 621 15 78