Accreditations for the 37th Gdynia Film Festival
The accreditation forms will be accepted until the April 30, 2012. The accreditation fee amounts to 350 PLN if applied and paid until the April 24. After that date the fee is 400 PLN.
There are two types of accreditations available: observer’s accreditation and media accreditation (accreditation forms can be found in the following tabs: Viewer’s Zone and For Media). Both accreditations entitle to entrance to all screenings both in Festival Centre in the Musical Theatre and in Multikino in Gdynia, as well as to participation in all accompanying events of 37th Gdynia Film Festival (excluding closed events to which additional invitations are required). Additionally, every person who purchases the accreditation will receive a Festival’s packet including the 37th Gdynia Film Festival Catalogue and other promotional materials. Please find attached also a wide hotel offer which can be found in tabs Viewer’s Zone and For Media.
Please send the filled and signed accreditation form via mail, fax or in the form of scan to the following address:
Organizational Office of the 37th GFF. FPFF
Pomeranian Film Foundation in Gdynia
ul. Folwarczna 2
81-547 Gdynia
tel 58 621 15 09
fax 58 621 15 78
NOTE! Please additionally enclose a portrait photo in a file which does not exceed 2Mb, with minimum proportions of 400×400 pixels, in png, gif or jpg format. Please send the photo to the following e-mail address: