Accreditations for the Polish Film Festival

The sale of accreditations for the 44th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia starts on Monday, July 1, 2019. The cost of one accreditation is PLN 350 (for the entire sale period).
For the members of the Polish Filmmakers Association who have a valid, stamped membership card the accreditation is free of charge. The SFP members are entitled to the INDUSTRY accreditation, with the exception of the members of the SFP Film Critics’ Circle who are entitled to the MEDIA accreditation.
We would like to remind journalists accredited to the Festival that only the MEDIA category accreditation ensures service from the Press Office.
Apart from the INDUSTRY and MEDIA accreditations there is also the OBSERVER category, intended for all people who want to take part in the Festival, and are not associated with the media or the film industry. The price of all types of accreditation is the same.
The sale of Festival Passes for PLN 200 will start in August, tickets for individual screenings in early September.
The 44th Polish Film Festival will be held on September 16-21, 2019 in Gdynia.