Allan Starski’s Platinum Collection, The Chronicles and the Golden Lions in the 35mm.Online Library

Awaiting the verdict of the jury of this year’s Polish Film Festival in Gdynia, thanks to the 35 Service Documentary and Feature Film Studio we’re back with films that have won the main prize in the past decades. As years go by, one can see that jury’s decisions still hold up and are consistent with audience’s appreciation. A pendulum of emotions, kaleidoscope of styles, repertoire of Polish matters and universal problems – it’s the Polish cinema at its best.
This year the Platinum Lions winner at the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia for lifetime achievements is Allan Starski, an incredibly artistically accomplished production designer and a winner of the American Film Academy’s Oscar for Schindler’s List (1994). The collections of films he worked on opens with Andrzej Wajda’s The Maids of Wilko, where they’ve created a sensual, nostalgic world of a pre-war manor straight from Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s short story. This has earned Allan Starski an award in 1976 in Gdansk. His works include both films requiring a reconstruction of the material reality of a long gone era, like in The Gorgon Case, A Tale of Adam Mickiewicz’s ‘Forefathers’ Eve, Danton, and contemporary films: Man of Iron, The Conductor, No End, Koniec gry. He was equally convincing in creating a tasteless, falling apart reality with humour as in Stanisław Bareja’s comedies.
Polish Film Festival started in 1974 in Gdansk and was held there, with a two-year break during the martial law, until 1987, when it has been moved to Gdynia. The chronicle from 1975 presents a parade of directors and camera operators, including a meeting of The Promised Land creators with the shipyard workers. In 1976 the festival celebrated 35 years of Polish cinema. The chronicle also shows us the last edition held in Gdansk and the first one in Gdynia.