Announcement about the Contest for the position of the Artistic Director of the Polish Film Festival

The Organizing Committee of the 45th Polish Film Festival, acting pursuant to § 3.1 of the Contest Regulations for the position of Artistic Director of the Polish Film Festival (“Regulations”), announces the contest for the position of Artistic Director of the Polish Film Festival.
This contest announcement is posted on the website of the Polish Film Festival on March 24, 2020.
Conditions for participation in the contest
1. To participate in the contest, persons entering the contest, hereinafter referred to as “Candidates“, submit applications including documents, statements and information, as well as meeting all other requirements specified in the contest announcement.
2. By submitting the application, the Candidate accepts the Regulations in full and the Candidate undertakes to comply with its provisions.
Application deadline
1. Applications and attachments should be submitted in a sealed envelope with the note “Contest – Artistic Director of the Polish Film Festival” and sent by post to the following address: Pomeranian Film Foundation in Gdynia, 81-372 Gdynia, 2 Plac Grunwaldzki street, or submitted in person at the Festival Office by April 16, 2020. It is recommended to send the application by e-mail to the following address:
Documents sent by e-mail (notification, statements) should be in the form of personally signed scan copies.
2. In the case of sending the application by post, the date of submission is the date of receipt of correspondence at the address of the Pomeranian Film Foundation in Gdynia, 81-372 Gdynia, 2 Plac Grunwaldzki street.
3. If the application is submitted after the deadline, the Contest Committee shall adopt a resolution refusing to admit the Candidate to the contest procedure.
Course of the contest
1. Details on the course of the contest are included in the Regulations.
2. The regulations referred to in the item above constitute Annex 1 to this contest notice.
Qualifications and skills required
1. The candidate should guarantee the professionalism and objectivity of the selection of contest films and undertake to act for the good of the Festival.
2. The following qualifications and experience are required from the candidate entering the contest for Artistic Director:
1) higher education,
2) a minimum of 5 years of documented experience in work or cooperation with the broadly understood film industry,
3) exercising full public rights and full legal capacity,
4) no criminal record for an intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or an intentional fiscal offense,
5) no criminal record with the prohibition to perform functions related to the disposal of public funds, referred to in art. 31 section 1 point 4 of the Act of 17 December 2004 on liability for violation of public finance discipline (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1440, as amended),
3. The following skills will also be rewarded when choosing an Artistic Director:
1) experience in organizing cultural projects and festivals as well as skills and knowledge of programming issues in film festivals,
2) experience in dealing with the media, conducting and participating in press conferences,
3) knowledge of cinematography, with particular emphasis on Polish feature film, knowledge of current film production,
4) significant professional achievements and achievements in the film industry,
5) good reputation in the film environment,
6) knowledge of basic laws regarding the functioning of the sphere of culture.
4. The notification should include:
1) written application for the contest (including personal data and electronic correspondence address and telephone number), together with a description of the Festival program concept not exceeding 10 pages of typescript and a CV covering education and experience, including in particular professional work in the film industry and achievements associated with this industry;
2) university diploma;
3) documents confirming seniority and experience (photocopies of work certificates or other documents confirming the time, place and nature of the work or cooperation performed, etc.);
4) statement of the candidate that he has full legal capacity and fully enjoys public rights and the lack of a final court judgment for a wilful offense prosecuted by public indictment or a wilful fiscal offense;
5) statement of the candidate that he/she was not punished by a ban on performing functions related to disposing of public funds, as referred to in art. 31 section 1 point 4 of the Act of 17 December 2004 on liability for violation of public finance discipline (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1440, as amended);
6) a declaration of consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the contest for the position of Artistic Director (in accordance with Annex 2 to the announcement of the contest);
7) documents confirming additional skills and qualifications (photocopies of diplomas, certificates, certificates, as well as opinions, recommendations, information on professional achievements, etc.);
8) list of attachments submitted with the application.
5. In the event that the Candidate performs other duties or performs other work, the Candidate shall be obliged to declare that he is ready to cooperate with the Festival from April to October each year and that the current work or duties will not in any way affect the possibility of proper performing the duties of Artistic Director. The candidate must inform about any conflict of interest.
6. At the request of the Chairman of the Contest Committee, the Candidate is required to present the original documents, copies of which were attached to the application, and to submit additional comments.
Additional information
1. The attachments to this contest notice are:
a) contest rules;
b) a statement of consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the contest for the position of Artistic Director.
2. All information about the contest is provided by the Festival Director and Festival Office.