Exhibitions and book launches during the 43rd Polish Film Festival

Numerous accompanying events await the participants of the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia – among them open-air exhibitions revolving around film and history as well as events that will take place inside the festival objects alongside with Q and A sessions with authors devoted to the newest publications on the subject of cinema.
Biopleograf. An exhibition in Multikino Gdynia, prepared by the National Centre for Film Culture will present an installation dedicated to the pioneer of cinematography, Kazimierz Prószyński. This inventor and visionary was the forerunner of the Lumière brothers with his work on “enlivening photography”.
Kresy Wschodnie Cinema during the twenty-year period between the world wars. Together with the National Centre for Film Culture we encourage to watch the exposition in the foyer of the Musical Theatre. The exhibition will take viewers on a sentimental journey to the east of the Second Polish Republic, where film culture flourished.
Film obcy (Foreign film). March ‘68. An exhibition in the City of Gdynia Museum will be
presented by the Museum of Cinematography from Łódź. The exhibition is filled with memories of people of the Polish cinema and eyewitnesses that talk about the significance of the events of March 1968 for the film community.
Andrzej Jaroszewicz: Lubię fotografować. (I like taking photos). The exhibition presented in the Gallery of the Gdynia Film Centre from the opening of the 43rd PFF till the end of September, will be the first independent photo exhibition of a renowned Polish camera operator. It has been prepared for the 80th birthday of Andrzej Jaroszewicz.
Andrzej Pągowski presents artistic film poster. This is a title of yet another exhibition in the foyer of the Musical Theatre. It includes 20 posters by Andrzej Pągowski and, among others: Wilhelm Sasnal, Bartosz Kosowski, Agata Nowicka, Jakub Ziółkowski. The posters have been created over the past few years for Polish films on producers’ order.
Rafał Placek: Portrety reżyserów i aktorów (Portraits of actors and directors). For another year in a row the artist and photographer invites the filmmakers who came to the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia to stand in front of his camera in order to create a unique festival chronicle. The exhibition is to be seen in the foyer of the Musical Theatre.
ELLE. Moda w polskim kinie po 1945 roku. (Fashion in Polish cinema after 1945). An outdoor exhibition in Grunwaldzki Square was prepared, drawing from a rich stock of frames from Polish films. They present both the cult outfits of actresses that have had a strong impact on fashion as well as critical statements referring to the ongoing social and moral changes.
Polska Światłoczuła. (Photosensitive Poland) Anyone interested in taking part in “Malowanie Światłem” (Painting With Light) action, which is a part of a project initiated by Dorota Kędzierzawska nad Arthur Reinhart. In a special Światłoczuły Punkt (Photosensitive Spot) localised in the Council of Europe Park, one will be able to express themselves emotionally and create their own fantasy painting with movement, colours and illumination.
Like every year, the Polish Film Festival is also an opportunity to present to the readers from the film industry, but also to a wider audience, the latest publications devoted to cinematography – devoted to creators and the history and theory of cinema as well as selected films. Most of the Q and A sessions with authors will be held in the Gallery of the Gdynia Film Centre. The schedule is available on the Festival website in the Program / Books section.
“Andrzej i Krystyna. Późne obowiązki” (Andrzej and Krystyna. Late duties), Witold Bereś and Krzysztof Burnetko. Life, love and activities of the most creative Polish marriage – Andrzej Wajda and Krystyna Zachwatowicz. The whole story documented on the basis of interviews with the two artists and thousands of private records that Andrzej Wajda had been keeping since the end of war.
“Jest życie po końcu świata” (There’s A Life After The End Of The World), Joanna Kos-Krauze and Aleksandra Pawlicka. A personal interview with Joanna Kos-Krauze, interspersed with reportages from Rwanda, the country that became a second home for the director. The story of the strength of a country that is rebuilding itself after the civil war, and the strength of a woman who experiences a personal end of the world and picks herself up after it.
“Kieślowski. Zbliżenie” (Kieślowski. A close-up), Katarzyna Surmiak-Domańska
(a meeting at Multikino, invitations are obligatory). How come a boy trying to escape a disease persecuting his family became a film director? How did it happen that he became an international success? A subtle portrait of the legend of the Polish cinema.
“Anioły nie znają wstydu. Transgresja w kinie Nowego Jorku” (Angels Know No Shame. Transgressions in the New York Cinema), Marcin Borchardt. New York cinema of the second half of the 20th century analysed through the prism of the “manifestation of human freedom”. A story about artists – rebels from the counterculture movement and underground cinema, no wave cinema, guerrilla television and cinema of transgression.
“Różyczka i inne scenariusze” (Little Rose and other screenplays), Maciej Karpiński.
A rarity on the Polish publishing market: film screenplays, in addition, accompanied by the author’s commentary. Without a doubt – a valuable material for young filmmakers and aspiring screenwriters, but also for every cinema lover.
“Od Munka do Maślony” (From Munk To Maślona), Barbara Hollender. Munk,Jakubowska, Chęciński, Żuławski, Kijowski, Szulkin, Kwieciński, Pasikowski, Jabłoński, Borcuch, Sadowska, Kazejak, Smoczyńska, Matuszyński, Zariczny, Domalewski, Maślona… – exceptional artists, extraordinary meetings and the story of the Polish cinema.
“Komeda. Osobiste życie jazzu” (Komeda. Personal Life Of Jazz), Magdalena Grzebałkowska. In order to find out the truth about one of the most exceptional Polish musicians, the author visits Scandinavian countries, Russia and the United States. She gets to the last living witness of the tragic fall from the escarpment and is the first to present his version of events.
“Psychologia osiągnięć dla twórców filmowych” (Psychology Of Achievement For Filmmakers), Aleksandra Zienowicz, Ewa Serwotka. The first publication in Poland that has explored the realities of the Polish film environment on such a large scale. The book is an inspiration for filmmakers and allows for a more conscious way of looking at the laws governing the film industry.
“Scenariusz filmu TRICK wraz z opisem jego genezy” (The screenplay of the TRICK film and its genesis), Michał Zabłocki. The book contains a script addressed to production with the description of the adventures of the author who describes his artistic technique: from the idea through motivation, documentation, search for the producer and other occurrences until the day of the premiere and further fate of the film.
“Danuta Szaflarska – Jej czas” (Danuta Szaflarska – Her Time), Gabriel Michalik. The world of Danuta Szaflarska was changing at an insane pace. The author outlined a subtle portrait of the legend of theater and cinema, the people she met and the era which, despite its dramatic events, she lived through with natural elegance, grace and exceptional cheerfulness.
“Faraon. Rozmowy o filmie” (Pharaoh. Talks About The Film), hosted by Seweryn Kuśmierczyk. Talks with the creators of the legendary film by Jerzy Kawalerowicz, supplemented with a commentary of an Egyptologist and unique photographs from the time of the making of, present the work of filmmakers participating in one of the largest and most difficult projects in the history of Polish cinematography.
The organizers of the 43rd Polish Film Festival are: The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Polish Film Institute, the Polish Filmmakers Association, President of the City of Gdynia, Marshal of the Pomeranian Province.
The co-organisers: Polish Television, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, National Center for Culture. The main sponsor of the 43rd PFF is PKO Bank Polski.
The Strategic Partner is BMG Goworowski Authorised Mercedes-Benz dealer.
Main Partners – PKP Intercity, Dr Irena Eris, Culture Centre in Gdynia, Reserved.
All-Poland Media Patrons: Polish Television, Rzeczpospolita, Elle, Gala, Miesięcznik Kino, Onet, Polskie Radio Program I, Polskie Radio Program III, Super Express.
Local Media Patrons are: Dziennik Bałtycki, Radio Gdańsk, Rzeczpospolita, Życie Regionów, Trojmiasto.pl and Telewizja Gdańsk.
The 43rd Polish Film Festival in Gdynia will be held 17-22 September.