Films from Gdynia at the 48th PFF

The Films From Gdynia section is meant to foster the two-way relationship of the filmmaking craft and the city that hosts the festival. This non-competitive section comprises titles that possess a local element – they either are about Gdynia and its people, or are produced by local producers or directed by someone from Gdynia.
This year’s section Films From Gdynia includes 5 titles: I Saw the Face of the Devil by Julia Kowalska – a story of an eighteen-year-old from Kościerzyna who claims she’s possessed and undergoes an exorcism; The Girl From My Dreams by Tomasz Żółtowski – a tale of the creative impotence of a fifty-year-old writer, where reality and dreams seem to blend; Grandpa’s Orchard by Karol Starnawski – a documentary which is a voice of the new generation in the process of the Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation written by a reporter Witold Szabłowski; It Will Rain Tomorrow by Sebastian Hermano Karaśkiewicz – a film about Polish-German-Kashubian relations during the years 1930–1951 but also about love and the dilemmas the Pomeranian people had faced; and a documentary No Time by Sławek Podwojski – a story of Michał whose dream is to design and make African clothes in order to bring some colour into the Polish streets.
“Films From Gdynia”, a part of the Festival for many years now, still get an audience. I hope that this gallery of both fiction and non-fiction characters and interesting narratives will engage you this time as well – says Director of the Festival Leszek Kopeć.
List of Films from Gdynia:
I Saw the Face of the Devil, written and directed by: Julia Kowalski
The Girl From My Dreams, written and directed by: Tomasz Żółtowski
Grandpa’s Orchard, directed by: Karol Starnawski, written by: Witold Szabłowski
No Time, directed by: Sławek Podwojski
It Will Rain Tomorrow, written and directed by: Sebastian Hermano Karaśkiewicz
Join us for meetings with the filmmakers held after the screenings.
The 48th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia will take place on 18th–23rd September 2023