Gdynia Industry at the 46th PFF

Industry meetings and debates about the most pressing and current issues in cinema are the staple of the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia. Each day of the Festival, the sixth edition of Gdynia Industry will explore a different theme. Wide-ranging programme is addressed to the Festival accredited participants, representing the film industry.
Monday, 20th September 2021
Modern audiovisual industry, from production through distribution, festival premiers and cinema screenings to streaming, harms the natural environment by emitting CO2 and other greenhouse gases responsible for climate change. The debate on green film production will explore legal actions and other steps taken in Europe and initiate the public debate around green standards in audiovisual production in Poland. During the debate, the open manifesto “Agreement for Green Audiovisual Production – Film for Climate” will be signed.
Polish Film Institute, regional film funds, Polish Audiovisual Producers Chamber of Commerce, Agreement for Green Audiovisual Production – Film for Climate.
The following experts accepted the invitation:
Luca Ferrario (Trentino Film Commission), Patrycja Młynarczyk (Silesia Film Commission), Maciej Dydo (KIPA), Małgorzata Kiełt-Grześkiewicz (Planet for Generations), Tomasz Morawski (Haka Films), Kamila Morgisz (PISF), Paweł Kosuń (Centrala Films), Monika Głowacka (Łódź Film Commission), Zbigniew Domagalski (Documentary and Feature Film Studios)
Host: Michał Pabiś-Orzeszyna
Tuesday 21st September 2021
The event focuses on film in relation to industrial design, graphic art, including computer graphics, and comics. During the comic books pitching, publishers and authors will present the representatives of the film industry with selected graphic novels released in Poland in recent years by Kultura Gniewu and Timof i cisi wspólnicy publishers.
Comic books have been selected in terms of their potential to be adapted for the screen as well as formal and thematic diversity. The presentation will feature comic books of manners, crime stories and horrors, for young and adult readers. There will also be a presentation of the event partner Platige Image. Host: Katarzyna Borowiecka
The following online materials will complement the panel:
Lecture – Szymon Holcman: Na granicy światów, czyli o komiksie słów kilka
Videoessay – Patrycja Mucha: The Story of Objects – Design in Films about the Past
Series – Polish Thing. The Adam Mickiewicz Institute cycle on design
Wednesday 22nd September 2021
What does the situation in Polish film and theatre schools and on film sets look like in terms of the relationship between participants of an educational and creative process, especially on the line master-apprentice and director-crew? What practices and solutions have we worked out in the recent months? The debate, as broad as possible, will also touch upon anti-discriminatory practices introduced in the film industry abroad.
The following experts accepted the invitation:
dr hab. Milenia Fiedler – Rektorka Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Filmowej, Teatralnej i Telewizyjnej im. L. Schillera w Łodzi, prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Czaplińska-Mrozek – Prorektorka ds. Filii we Wrocławiu Akademii Sztuk Teatralnych w Krakowie, dr hab. Agata Adamiecka-Sitek – Rzeczniczka Praw Studenckich w Akademii Teatralnej w Warszawie, Radosław Śmigulski (PISF), Sławomira Niewiadomska (PISF), Katarzyna Szustow (Szustow. Kultura i komunikacja), Renata Czarnkowska-Listoś (RE Studio), Marta Habior (No Sugar Films), Dariusz Jabłoński (Apple Film Production), Piotr Dzięcioł (Opus Film), Alicja Grawon-Jaksik (KIPA).
Host: Błażej Hrapkowicz
Partners:Polish Film Institute, Women in Film
Thursday, 23rd September 2021
It’s time to sum up the Polish Film Institute’s Digital Poland programme carried out in 2017–2020 and to present the reconstruction of films by TVP. We will also introduce the latest streaming platform with a vast library of classic films, 35mm online – the project of the Documentary and Feature Films Studio co-financed by Digital Poland.
The following experts accepted the invitation:
Radosław Śmigulski (PISF), Maciej Chmiel (Studio Filmów Rysunkowych), Zbigniew Domagalski (WFDiF), Joanna Skierska (WFDiF), Stanisław Bardadin (WFDiF), Przemysław Herburt (TVP SA), Andrzej Łucjanek (Fixafilm), Michał Oleszczyk (historyk filmu, wykładowca akademicki i współpracownik zagranicznych wydawców klasyki filmowej), Diana Dąbrowska (filmoznawczyni, programistka festiwalu Hommage à Kieślowski).
Host: Łukasz Maciejewski
Partners: Polish Film Institute, TVP SA, Documentary and Feature Films Studio, Studio Filmów Rysunkowych (Animation Film Studio)
Friday, 24th September 2021
We will discuss the recent changes in the film industry caused by the unprecedented pandemic experience, such as film financing and distribution, new production-distribution models, the role and future of cinemas and current threats and outlooks for the future. During the debate, we will analyse particular examples of the pandemic experience – films which production and distribution coincided with the pandemic and restrictions that affected the film market. The event will end up with the presentation of Black Photon – the event partner.
The following experts accepted the invitation:
Radosław Śmigulski (Polish Film Institute), Małgorzata Szczepkowska-Kalemba (Polish Film Institute), Alicja Grawon-Jaksik (Polish Audiovisual Producers Chamber of Commerce), Anna Limbach-Uryn (Kino Świat), Izabela Łopuch (HBO), Robert Kijak (Next Film), Leszek Bodzak (Aurum Film), Mariusz Włodarski (Lava Films), Tomasz Jagiełło (Helios SA), Mariusz Spisz (Multikino SA), Maciej Ostatek (Fundacja Raban), Joanna Szymańska (Shipsboy), Marta Szarzyńska (Kinhouse Studio), Stanisław Zaborowski (Silver Frame)
Partners: Polish Film Institute, Black Photon, Producers Guild of Poland, Polish Audiovisual Producers Chamber of Commerce
Other Gdynia Industry events include:
Radosław Śmigulski would like to invite the participants of the 46th PFF to talk about the most important challenges for Polish film and its possibilities. It’s the fourth meeting with the Director of the Polish Film Institute since the cycle launched in 2018.
For years now, Gdynia forums of the Polish Filmmakers Association – the largest such institution in the country – have been hosting heated debates over the most vital issues faced by the filmmaking community. This time, the meeting is devoted to two legal acts (Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market and the draft Act on the Rights of the Professional Artist), the implementation of which is crucial for the filmmaking community. We will also discuss the streaming platform developed by the Documentary and Feature Films Studio in co-operation with the Polish Filmmakers Association, the most complete collection of Polish films available online.
All events will take place in the conference part of Mercure Gdynia Centre and will be available for the Festival accredited participants only.
The 46th Polish Film Festival takes place on 20th–25th September 2021 in Gdynia.