How is it made?

How is it made? is a series of public presentations at which filmmakers will speak about the devices they used in the production of their world of film, ranging from complex computer post-production to a creative use of analogue techniques. The audience in Gdynia will have an opportunity to learn about the components of films participating in the Main Competition: “The Mill and the Cross” by Lech Majewski, “Courage” by Greg Zglinski, or “Suicide Room” by Jan Komasa.
Additionally, on Saturday, 11th June, a technical presentation of the fragments of film “Man, Chicks are Just Different”, directed by Marek Koterski, will take place. The creators will explain why their film could not be submitted for this year’s Main Competition.
The programme of meetings:
Lech Majewski
“The Mill and the Cross”
7 czerwca 2011 (wtorek), godzina 17:00
Multikino, sala nr 1
Greg Zglinski
8 June 2011 (Wednesday), 5 pm
Multikino, Screening Room 1
Jan Komasa
“Suicide Room”
9 June 2011 (Thursday), 5 pm
Multikino, Screening Room 1
Wojciech Smarzowski
10 June 2011 (Friday), 5 pm
Multikino, Screening Room 1
Marek Koterski
“Man, Chicks are Just Different”
11 June 2011 (Saturday), 5 pm
Multikino, Screening Room 1
For the holders of accreditation and festival passes, admission to the meetings taking place in ‘Multikino’ is free. It is obligatory to collect the so-called “zero ticked” from ‘Multikino’ ticket office on the day of the meeting. Additionally, tickets for visitors without accreditations or passes will be on sale for 10 PLN.