Masterclass: The Anatomy of the Scene

The programme of this year’s Festival has been expanded to include a remarkable event. In four successive evenings, during meetings with the audience, the masters of Polish cinema will analyse particularly important or complex scenes from their films.
A series of meetings called “Masterclass: The Anatomy of the Scene” will be opened by Andrzej Wajda and Janusz Morgenstern who will reveal the secrets about the filming of the famous shot glasses scene from “Ashes and Diamonds”. The chosen film sequences will also be discussed by Krzysztof Zanussi and Agnieszka Holland.
The schedule of meetings:
Andrzej Wajda, Janusz Morgenstern
“Popiół i diament”
7th June 2011 (Tuesday), 6 pm
Multikino, Screening Room 1
Krzysztof Zanussi
8th June 2011 (Wednesday), 6 pm
Multikino, Screening Room 1
Agnieszka Holland
“Copying Beethoven”
9th June 2011 (Wednesday), 6 pm
Multikino, Screening Room 1
For the holders of accreditation and festival passes, admission to the meetings taking place in ‘Multikino’ is free. It is obligatory to collect the so-called “zero ticket” from ‘Multikino’ ticket office on the day of the meeting. Additionally, tickets for visitors without accreditations or passes will be on sale for 10 PLN.