Monday, 18th September. The first day of the 42nd PFF

It was with a press screening of „The Damned One” directed by Konrad Łęcki that the first day of the 42nd Polish Film Festival began. During the official Opening Gala in the Musical Theatre at 7.00 pm, we will present “Loving Vincent” directed by Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman. The Monday programme of the Main Competition includes also screenings of the following films: “Tower. A Bright Day” directed by Jagoda Szelc, „Amok” directed by Kasia Adamik, „Volta” directed by Juliusz Machulski, „Catalina” directed by Denijal Hasanovic, „Spoor” directed by Agnieszka Holland, „The Art of Loving. The Story of Michalina Wisłocka” directed by Maria Sadowska.
All the press screenings are held in the Warszawa screening room on the first floor of the Gdynia Film Centre. After each screening, we invite to press conferences with filmmakers, held by Łukasz Maciejewski. We remind that the accredited journalists can book seats on press screenings 12 hours before the rest of the participants of the Festival – this means that on Monday, the MEDIA accreditation holders will be able to book seats for Tuesday and Wednesday.
In the Visions Apart Competition, the followings films will be presented on the first day of the Festival: „Wild Roses” directed by Anna Jadowska, „The Invisibles” directed by Paweł Sala, „Satan Said Dance” directed by Katarzyna Rosłaniec, „Photon” directed by Norman Leto, „Double Trouble” directed by Marta Karwowska and „Tod Machine” directed by Bogusław Kornaś.
As part of HBO Film Nights, at 9.30 pm, we invite to a screening of the film „The Wizard of Lies” directed by Barry Levinson in screening room 8 in Multikino. A detailed programme of all the Festival screenings is available at
Logging into the booking system
The rules of operation of the online booking system on festival screenings are similar to the previous years, however, this year, the very system is new, which can cause technical problems. All issues are solved one by one. Please pay attention to special communications displayed on screen when logging in. Our service employees at online booking service desks are happy to help. As each year, any faults can be reported to the address: or at the number: (58) 712 46 16.
Andrzej Wajda Path
Just before the opening ceremony of the 42nd PFF, a short Andrzej Wajda Path Naming Ceremony in Grunwaldzki Square will take place, with participation of the Mayor of Gdynia Wojciech Szczurek and the President of the Polish Filmmakers Association Jacek Bromski. We start at 6.30 pm in front of the main entrance to Gdynia Film Centre. Feel invited!
Pre-premiere of the biography of Anna Przybylska
At 5.00 pm, on the New Stage of the Musical Theatre, the pre-premiere of the first biography of the actress Anna Przybylska, a book „Ania” by Grzegorz Kubicki and Maciej Drzewicki, will take place. The meeting with the authors and Przybylska’s family and friends will be accompanied by a mini-recital by Andrzej Piaseczny. Anna Dereszowska will read fragments from the book.
Mobile City Game – on Tuesday
Due to unfavourable weather conditions, the event planned for Monday, Filmobil Mobile City Game, has been postponed to Tuesday, 19th September, at midday, in Grunwaldzki Square.
Exhibitions at the Festival
From the very first day of the Festival, accompanying exhibitions can be visited. From Monday, in the Museum of the City of Gdynia – “Andrzej Pągowski: Film Posters”. An official opening of this exhibition will be held on Tuesday, at 6.00 pm. In the Gallery of the Gdynia Film Centre, the exhibition “Jerzy Kawalerowicz in the 10th anniversary of death” is presented. Photographs from “Bogdan Dziworski f/5.6” exhibition are presented in the Foyer of the Musical Theatre, just as “Directors in Portrait” by Rafał Placek. The exhibition “Krzysztof Ptak: photographs” can be seen in the Foyer of the New Stage of the Musical Theatre. In the European Council Park, “Walkiria Film Group” and ELLE “Birth of Stars” outdoor exhibition, and in Grunwaldzki Square, “Cinema and theatre under Occuppation” and “City of Culture, City of Film” exhibitions are held.
Bookcrossing at the Festival
In between film screenings, on the way to a meeting, an exhibition and a debate… Have a sit, have a rest, take a book. In every place where the festival life in Gdynia is on – in the Musical Theatre, in the Gdynia Film Centre and in Multikino – look for interesting titles available as part of Bookcrossing at the Festival. Bookcrossing at the 42nd Polish Film Festival means access to several dozen books, for example, from the “Cinema Classics” series, popularising the most outstanding achievements of the Polish film. Partners of the event are Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, Wydawnictwo Wojciech Marzec, Wydawnictwo Czuły Barbarzyńca. After the Festival, the books donated by the Partners will be included in the collections of the Municipal Public Library in Gdynia.
The Festival Reception
We invite you to the Festival Reception located near the entrance to the Festival Centre in the Musical Theatre (from Grunwaldzki Square). Reception is open every day from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm.