Poster for the 48th edition of Polish Film Festival in Gdynia

It’s time to present the poster for the 48th edition of Polish Film Festival in Gdynia! Its author, just like in the years prior, is the illustrator and graphic designer Ewelina Gąska.
– The main premise was to avoid figurative elements that provide the most direct association with cinema and a festival by the sea, particularly: a film reel, an analog projector, a lion, a human head, an act of “framing” with one’s hands, a lighthouse… – the poster’s author, Ewelina Gąska, lists. – It was important to me for the design to be minimalistic, and at the same time interesting enough to draw the viewer in and bring the number of the current edition of the festival out.
The poster for the 48th edition of Polish Film Festival is supposed to stand out, surprise, highlight the weight of the event and give the festival a characteristic visual tone.
Ewelina Gąska specialises in the field of illustration and visual identification. She’s won many graphic design competitions and a second place and a nomination in the KTR Advertisement Creators Club competition. She was also a juror in the 20th edition of the AMS Poster Gallery’s competition “Animals Are People Too” and in the Young Creatives Cannes, among others. Her work can be found in Polish and foreign design magazines like: BranD International Design Magazine, Form Magazine, IdN Magazine.
Just like with the last three editions, the poster is in the festival’s signature colors: black and gold.
The 48th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia will take place on 18th–23rd September 2023