“Profile of a participant of the film festival” study

the 43rd Polish Film Festival (PFF) a research project entitled”Profile
of a participant of the film festival” has been initiated. It is a
joint venture of the Pomeranian Film Foundation and the Institute of
Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management of Adam Mickiewicz
University in Poznań.
From 17 to 22 September 2018,
students of the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences of Adam
Mickiewicz University, under the guidance of dr hab. Krzysztof
Stachowiak will carry out a research on the participation in culture
from a particular point of view – the behaviour and preferences of a
culture tourist, a participant of the Festival. The study will show,
among other things, what (cultural and non-cultural services) goods and
services are picked by participants of festivals, and
hence, what branches of the local economy benefit from organising mass
cultural events. Through surveys (around 1000 recipients), the profile
of the festival participant will be created with a map of his or her
preferences, consumer behaviour and choices. The research is to deepen
the knowledge in the field of cultural economics, but also to provide
information on the impact of the film Festival on the city and the
region. The results of the research will add to the discussion on the
support provided by local governments in organising cultural events in
the city and region.
The results of the study will
be presented during a public presentation, among others, at the
Cinemaforum Festival in Warsaw, in November 2018. The final report will
be published on the www.festiwalgdynia.pl website, and also sent to the
recipients of the PFF newsletter.
The project was co-financed by the National Center for Culture as part of the Culture – Intervention 2018 program.
The organizers of the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia kindly ask guests and audience to fill in the surveys.