Programme of the 45th PFF

Three competitions, non-competition film sections and accompanying events, including press conferences, debates, workshops and concerts – we publish the full programme of the 45th Polish Film Festival, which will be held entirely online. Accreditation sales will start soon.
Due to licensing restrictions imposed by the distributors on the organizers of the Festival only some of the films qualified for the competitions will be available on the festival’s VOD platform. Access to selected titles will be limited to the group of accredited journalists only.
Some accompanying events, addressed to industry representatives, will require prior participant registration. A large part of the planned events – meetings, conferences, concerts – will be available online for all interested parties, not only for accreditation holders. Here are the details.
Main Competition
Films available at the festival’s VOD for accredited persons (industry and journalists):
“The Champion”, dir. Maciej Barczewski
“Kill it and leave this town”, dir. Mariusz Wilczyński
“Truth makes free”, dir. Robert Gliński
Films available at festival’s VOD only for accredited journalists
“25 years of innocence”, dir. Jan Holoubek
“Amateurs”, dir. Iwona Siekierzyńska
“I never cry”, dir. Piotr Domalewski
“Triple Trouble”, dir. Marta Karwowska
In addition, two films from the Main Competition are available on streaming platforms:
“How I became a gangster. True story”, dir. Maciej Kawulski (Netflix and other platforms)
“The Hater”, dir. Jan Komasa (Player and other platforms)
Microbudget Films Competition
Films available at the festival’s VOD for accredited persons (industry and journalists):
“Beloved neighbours”, dir. Michał Grzybowski
“God of Internet”, dir. Joanna Satanowska
“Everyone has a summer”, dir. Tomasz Jurkiewicz
“Once Upon a Time in Allotment Gardens”, dir. Rafał Bryll
Videos available on the PFF VOD only for a limited group of accredited journalists:
“The Moths”, dir. Piotr Stasik
“Love Tasting”, dir. David Nickel
Short Film Competition
The set of 27 films qualified for the competition will be available at the festival’s VOD, divided into six full-length film blocks.
The full list of films from the three competitions of the 45th PFF can be found on the Festival’s website HERE.
Non-competition film sections
As every year, the non-competition sections complement the Festival’s film programme. All films from these sections will be available at festival’s VOD for accreditation holders.
The festival will present selected films of this year’s Laureates of awards for lifetime achievement – Platinum Lions. The films are:
“Woman from the provinces” and a short film “The essay” by Andrzej Barański and
“The Collector” by Feliks Falk
Masterclasses with directors Andrzej Barański and Feliks Falk will also be available on-line.
Pure Classics, i.e. a presentation of digitally restored outstanding works of Polish cinematography, this year includes four films, each of them will be accompanied by meetings with the creators:
“The Black Cross”, dir. Alexander Ford
“The Last Stage”, dir. Wanda Jakubowska
“Personnel”, dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski
“Pilot Pirx’s Inquest”, dir. Marek Piestrak
Polonica, next to the Main Competition, the oldest film section of the Polish Film Festival, is devoted to international film productions made with the significant participation of Polish filmmakers and producers. This year, three films will be shown in this section:
“Quo vadis, Aida?”, dir. Jasmila Zbanic
“Apples”, dir. Christos Nikou
“Sole”, dir. Carlo Sironi
Screenings will be accompanied by meetings with Polish artists.
Gdynia for Children. Youth Film Review is a mini-film review accompanying a series of industry meetings that will take place as part of Gdynia Industry under the common slogan “Focus on… youth cinema”. The review will end with a history and film lecture on changes in Polish youth cinema and its renaissance in recent years. It includes four films:
“Satan from the Seventh Grade”, dir. Maria Kaniewska
“Mr Blot’s Academy”, part one and two, dir. Krzysztof Gradowski
“Behind the Blue Door”, dir. Mariusz Palej
Films From Gdynia, i.e. selected films that, through their creators or heroes, are associated with the host city of the Polish Film Festival, this year there are two titles:
“Andrzej Cybulski. Tickets to happiness”, dir. Andrzej Mańkowski
“Memories of Maciej Kosycarz”, dir. Aleksandra Gnys, Mateusz Gnys, Łukasz Nurkowski, Ewa Walas
The festival will open with the screening of the film by the Chairman of the Jury of the Main Competition. The composition of all three juries will be announced during the press conference preceding the 45th PFFF.
Accompanying events
Online events available to all interested parties, without the need of festival accreditation:
PRESS CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS with the makers of all films from the three competitions.
MEETINGS WITH CREATORS AND CRITICS after film screenings from non-competition sections.
OPENING CEREMONY, YOUNG GALA, CLOSING GALA OF THE FESTIVAL. The latter will be a television programme also broadcast on nationwide tv station TVP.
DEBATE ON POLISH FILM. The discussion crowning this year’s edition of the Festival, with the participation of jurors, film critics and representatives of cultural institutions. An attempt to diagnose the condition of Polish cinema and the directions of its development in the near future.
CLOSE UP ON… YOUTH CINEMA. Organized in cooperation with the New Horizons Association and the Kids Film Festival, a series of webinars to answer the questions: What kind of cinema for children and youth do young audiences want to watch? How to make a good youth film that will get to the festivals? How to distribute a youth film in the time of a pandemic? As well as a lecture on copyright on the Internet, aimed at primary and secondary school students.
PANEL: SUSTAINABLE FILM PRODUCTION IN POLAND. Discussion on the ecological side of cinematography, with the participation of representatives of creators and producers as well as regional film funds.
PIEKIEŁKO IN YOUR HOME. There is no PFF without a visit to Piekiełko Club. This year, during three evening concerts, the music will reach everyone who wishes to feel the atmosphere of the legendary underground of the Mercure Gdynia Centrum Hotel.
SCHOOL FILM ARCHIVE. Classes organized by the National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institute, intended for school groups. Registration required.
Events available for accredited persons:
FACE TO FACE. Meeting with Radosław Śmigulski, Director of the Polish Film Institute.
1 ON 1. A series of individual meetings of young filmmakers with experienced producers and representatives of the film industry. Prior registration required.
MEETING OF REGIONAL FILM FUNDS REPRESENTATIVES. A discussion about the importance of investing in film culture, especially in the times of the impending economic crisis. Closed meeting for invited participants.
The sale of accreditations for the 45th Polish Film Festival starts on Monday, November 23, 2020, at 10.00 am on the website
The number of accreditations for the 45th PFF is very limited and the order of applications will be decisive. The cost of accreditation, including the accreditation package, is PLN 100.00.
Accredited journalists and representatives of the film industry will have access to online screenings. More on this topic HERE.
The 45th Polish Film Festival will be held on December 8-12, 2020.