Screenings with audio description for the blind and visually impaired and subtitles for the d/Deaf

We strive to make the PFF disability-friendly. As every year, two competition films will be presented at open screenings using techniques that make it possible for a blind or visually impaired person, and a deaf or hard of hearing person to enjoy, and these are: Sparrow (dir. Tomasz Gąssowski) and Seasons (dir. Michał Grzybowski).
By providing additional verbal commentary, audio description enables blind people to comprehend visual arts, theatre and film. This technique involves describing key visual details, such as body language, facial expressions, plot progression, scenery and costumes. Concise verbal descriptions allow visually impaired viewers to follow the narrative and understand what is happening on screen.
Films presented at the PFF with audio description are subtitled. Thanks to these options, people with sensory disabilities will be able to fully participate in the given event. These screenings, open to all Festival participants, show that through such an encounter with film mental and physical barriers can be overcome and audience members brought together.
Additionally, the film Sparrow (directed by: Tomasz Gąssowski) will include a sign language translation.