The ‘Citizens of Culture’ Container

During the Polish Film Festival, a ‘Citizens of Culture’ container will be placed on the main promenade in Gdańsk. We will promote the Pact for Culture and collect signatures. The container will be painted by a group of artists from Gdańsk, led by the street artist, Pikaso Onera. Each day meetings with well-known and respected people who are ready to sign the Pact will be held in the container.
Moreover, “the Gallery of One Work” will be opened, presenting a small exhibition every day (curator: Wyspa Instutute of Art). We will organise a “Books Factory”, i.e. workshops promoting reading among children. And many more events.
All these initiatives are possible thanks to the involvement of Agnieszka Odorowcz, Mayor Wojciech Szczurek of the City of Gdynia, companies: S+J Consulting and BTC as well as Beata Chmiel.
The project is carried out by Political Cririque.