Wednesday, 20th September. The third day of the 42nd PFF

On the third day of the 42nd Polish Film Festival in Gdynia, screenings in the Short Film Competition start. The viewers will see 26 films, ordered in six screening blocks. All the Wednesday screenings in this Competition are held on the New Stage of the Musical Theatre.
In the Main Competition, on Wednesday, the Festival premiere of the following films takes place: “The Reconciliation” directed by Maciej Sobieszczański, “Birds are Singing in Kigali” directed by Joanna Kos-Krauze and Krzysztof Krauze, as well as “Chain Reaction” directed by Jakub Pączek. There will also be a press screening of the most recent Juliusz Machulski’s film, “Volta”. After each press screening, we invite to a press conference with participation of the filmmakers. All the press screenings are held in the Warszawa screening room on the first floor of Gdynia Film Centre.
We remind that the holders of media accreditation can book seats at press screenings 12 hours before the remaining participants of the Festival. Hence, on Wednesday, at 8.30 pm, they will be able to book seats for Friday.
In Memoriam
As part of In Memoriam Special Screenings, on Wednesday we will present the film “Time to Die” directed by Dorota Kędzierzawska with unusual, oft-awarded creation by Danuta Szaflarska, “Temptation” directed by Barbara Sass, with Magdalena Cielecka debuting on the silver screen, and the documentary “Andrzej Wajda. My Inspirations” directed by Andrzej Wajda and Marek Brodzki.
In the Pure Classics – In Memoriam section, we recommend a screening of the digitally reconstructed films: “Hospital of Transfiguration” directed by Edward Żebrowski and “Ashes and Diamonds” directed by Andrzej Wajda.
Another set of films presented during the Festival in the Polonica section, including international film productions made with significant participation of Polish filmmakers, are: “Animals” directed by Greg Zgliński and “Butterfly Kisses” directed by Rafał Kapeliński.
Films from Gdynia
On Wednesday, we can also see Films from Gdynia, and this year, as part of this section we present “Mr Rudnicki and Cars” directed by Andrzej Mańkowski, “Face-off” directed by Łukasz Ostalski, “My Pretty Pony” directed by Maciej Barczewski and the documentary “Now, That’s Cinema” directed by Marcin Kossowski. The screening will be held in the Morskie Oko screening room of the Gdynia Film Centre at 1.30 pm. After the screening, we invite to a meeting with the filmmakers.
Krakow Film Festival Catching Waves
At 2.30 pm in screening room 3 of Multikino, the first film from the “Krakow Film Festival Catching Waves” section will be presented: “The Beksińskis. A Sound and Picture Album” by Marcin Borchardt, which has been distinguished at this year’s Krakow Film Festival. After the screening, we invite to a meeting with the director.
Special Screenings
As part of Special Screenings, we invite to the film “Summer 1993” directed by Carla Simon, a juror of the Short Film Competition. The screening will start at 7.30 pm in screening room 3 in Multikino, and after the screening, a meeting with the director will be held.
Outdoor Screenings
Humor Stanisława Barei towarzyszy w tym roku wieczorom na Placu Grunwaldzkim. O godzinie 20.30 w środę rozpocznie się pokaz plenerowy kultowej komedii „Poszukiwany, poszukiwana”, z Wojciechem Pokorą w roli głównej. Serdecznie zapraszamy!
The greatest exhibition about the history of the Polish cinema will be created in Łódź. Its assumptions, plans for development and schedule of actions for the upcoming two years will be presented by the authorities of the National Centre for Film Culture in Lodz. The conference will start at 10.00 am in the Goplana Screening Room of the Gdynia Film Centre.
In the Musical Theatre on Kameralna Stage, on Wednesday, two meetings will be held as part of the Academy: “Capital 24 – trendy, które zmieniają kino” at 10.00 am and “StoryCode WAW on tour – kino 360” at 3.00 pm.
In the same place, at 12.30, the first discussion panel as part of Gdynia Industry will begin: “Cinema for the Young Viewer”, and at 5.30 om, a meeting with the members of the Board of the European Screenwriters Federation will be held under the slogan “Someone Wrote This!”.
Official Awards Ceremony in the Competition for the Best Book of 2016 by the Polish Society of Research on Film and Media
We invite you to the Official Awards Ceremony in the Competition for the Best Book of 2016 related to research on film or media, announced by the Polish Society of Research on Film and Media, which will be held on Wednesday 20th September 2017 at 2.30 pm in the Gdynia Film Centre – the Gallery.
In the first edition of the Competition for the Best Book of the Year, the winner was Małgorzata Radkiewicz’s book, “Modernistki o kinie. Kobiety w polskiej krytyce i publistyce filmowej 1918-1939”, issued by the Ha!art Corporation. In the category of the Debut of the Year was Tomasz Łysak’s book „Od kroniki do filmu posttraumatycznego. Filmy dokumentalne o Zagładzie”, issued by the Institute of Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Books at the Festival
In the Gallery of the Gdynia Film Centre, on Wednesday, there are meetings with the authors of two books related to the film theme. At 3.00 pm, a meeting hosted by Tomasz Brzozowski will be attended by the editor of the book “Pharaoh. Film Poetics”, Seweryn Kuśmierczyk, as well as the co-authors: Agnieszka Korycka, Robert Birkholc, Jacek Pająk, Paweł Stroiński. Ryszard Ronczewski, an actor from the cast of “Pharaoh” will be a special guest. At 5.00 pm, Magda Sendecka will talk with Dorota Karaś, the author of the book “Cybulski. Podwójne salto”.
The Newsreel of the 42nd Polish Film Festival
Three short documentary films will be made during the Festival by students of film schools: Stanisław Horodecki from Gdynia Film School, Karol Pałka from Wajda School and Piotr Bieliński from the Krzysztof Kieślowski Radio and Television Faculty at the Silesian University. The young adepts of the film art, under the supervision of brilliant professors, Jacek Bławut and Andrzej Fidyk, show the Festival totally differently from all the media covering the event.
Screenings of particular episodes of the Newsreel will be held on Wednesday, 20th September, Thursday, 21st September and Friday, 22nd September, in the evening, just before the last screening of a competition film in the Musical Theatre in Gdynia and before selected screenings in the Gdynia Film Centre. The author of the project is Jerzy Rados who has been documenting the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia for twelve years. The City of Gdynia is the partner of the Newsreel of the 42nd Polish Film Festival.
Each of the three meetings scheduled for the workshop begins with a screening of a classic Polish film. Then, guided by Małgorzata Potocka, participants analyse acting performances, attentive to means of filmic expression and character development. It’s the second time the Festival hosts the workshop. The workshops take place from Wednesday to Friday in Morskie Oko Screening Room of the Gdynia Film Centre. Start at 10.00 am.
Audiomovie – presentation
A cinema available for everyone? For the blind? The deaf? Those who would like to listen to dubbing during a screening with subtitles? Or a double-voice? All that is possible thanks to the AudioMovie app. It allows the viewer to listen on his own smartphone to alternative soundtracks. Audiodescription for the blind or double-voicing for those who do not like to read subtitles. Thanks to such a solution, cinemas can be truly available and costs borne by the producers, distributors and cinema owners – lower. AudioMovie presentation will be held on Wednesday, 20th September, at 4.30 pm in the Morskie Oko Screening Room of the Gdynia Film Centre. All you need to take is a phone and headphones. From Wednesday to Friday, the AudioMovie stall is also available in the Musical Theatre. The project is financed by the National Centre for Research and Development as part of Social Innovations 2 programme. More information:
Main Sponsors of the 42nd Polish Film Festival: PKO Bank Polski, PKN ORLEN. Organisers: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Polish Film Institute, Polish Filmmakers Association, Marshal of the Pomeranian Province, President of the City of Gdynia. Co-organisers: Telewizja Polska SA, HBO Polska, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Ministry of Economic Development.