Anna Wróblewska

Anna Wróblewska
Academic teacher, columnist, culture manager, spokesperson. Graduate of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw and Postgraduate Project Management Studies at Warsaw School of Economics. For many years, she worked for the Oko Film Production and later for the Polish Filmmakers Association. In 2005, on behalf of the Polish Filmmakers Association, she was responsible for PR activities during the campaign supporting the act on cinematography. The first spokesperson of the Polish Film Institute. Co-author of books “A statek płynie… 30 lat Festiwalu Polskich Filmów Fabularnych w Gdyni”, “Filmowcy. Polskie kino według jego twórców”, author of the book “Oko szeroko otwarte. 25 lat Studia Filmowego Oko”. Winner of the 2nd edition of the Polish Film Institute Awards for the website, co-author of the project, founder and editor of “Magazyn Filmowy SFP”. Deputy Programming Director of the “Youth and Film” Koszalin Film Debut Festival in 2007-2009, Programming Director of the KAMERALNE LATO Film Festival in Radom since 2012. Awarded by the Ministry of Culture for her cultural activities in 2005. Director of the KOSMOPOLIS Institute. She lectures at the Faculty of Humanities at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University. In 2013, she completed her PhD thesis on the film industry in Poland.