The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

Grzegorz Łoszewski

Grzegorz Łoszewski

Screenwriter. Member of the Polish Film Academy.
He writes film, theatre and TV screenplays. In 1995 he began his literary co-operation with TVP, Akson Studio, Studio A and with Film Studios. Author of the concept of the TV series “Święta polskie”. Author of screenplays, among others, of “Noc Świętego Mikołaja” (dir. Janusz Kondratiuk, award for screenplay at 25th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia), “The Collector” (dir. Feliks Falk, Golden Lions and award for screenplay at 30th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia, Eagle for best screenplay, 1st Prize in the Polish edition of the Hartley-Merrill competition, awards for screenplay at the festivals in Moscow and Teheran), “Shameless” (dir. Filip Marczewski, Berlin 2013, European Civis Prize for screenplay), of a Television Theatre play “Stigmatic” (dir. Wojciech Nowak, Grand Prix and award for screenplay at the Two Theatres Festival). Adaptor of TV formats. Lecturer of the Łódź Film School and the Gdynia Film School.