Jerzy Zieliński

Cinematographer, director. Member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), the Polish Society of Cinematographers (PSC) and the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC). Two-time winner of the Best Cinematography award at the festival in Gdynia: first, for Aria for an Athlete and years later – for Summer Solstice. He worked with many outstanding directors such as Filip Bajon (Aria for an Athlete, Inspection of the Crime Scene 1901), Wojciech Marczewski (Shivers, Escape from the ‘Liberty’ Cinema), Agnieszka Holland (Washington Square), Michał Rogalski (Summer Solstice) or Pat O’Connor (Cal). Later he left for the USA where he shot American productions, including the cult film Galaxy Quest (dir. Dean Parisot). Recently he has been collaborating with Marek Koterski (Man, Chicks Are Just Different, 7 Emotions). A few years ago he directed his film The King of Life.