Natalia Grzegorzek

She graduated from the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences of the University of Warsaw and from the DOK PRO Documentary Programme at Wajda School. President of the Board of Koskino. Producer of Łukasz Grzegorzek’s feature films Kamper (2016) and The Coach’s Daughter (2018). The Polish producer of Winter Flies directed by Olmo Omerzu (last-year’s Czech Oscar candidate). Member of the Directors’ Guild of Poland and the Polish Producers Alliance (KIPA). Currently she is working on new projects, including Łukasz Grzegorzek’s new film Tak ma być and on Skull Echo, a full-length feature debut by Julia Marcell, a vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and winner of “Polityka” Passport. Natalia Grzegorzek is a holder of the scholarship of the Polish Film Institute to participate in EAVE Producers Workshop in 2020.