The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

Sławomira Łozińska

Born 8th April 1953 in Warsaw. Graduate from the Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw (1975) and the Post-graduate Culture Management Course at the Collegium of World Economy of the Warsaw School of Economics (1998).

The actress at Warsaw theatres: the National Theatre (1973-86, 1988-90), Teatr Nowy (1990-94) and Teatr Adekwatny (1993-94). Between 1997-2003, the artistic coordinator at the National Theatre. Between 1996-99, the vice-president of the Polish Actors Association (ZASP). Since 1997, an active consultant in the proceedings of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage involving the promotion of culture and theatre. Since April 2003, a member of the National Broadcasting Council.

Her portfolio includes numerous roles in theatre, film, television and in the spectacles of Polish TV Theatre and Polish Radio Theatre. Actress in the TV series Directed by Zbigniew Chmielewski (“Daleko od szosy”, “Ślad na ziemi”, “Blisko, coraz bliżej”) and Jerzy Sztwiertnia (“Najdłuższa wojna nowoczesnej Europy”). Recently appears in, i.a. “Na dobre i na złe”. Actress in the films Directed by Wojciech Marczewski (“Klucznik”), Sławomir Idziak (“A Performance”), Stanisław Jędryka (“Jesienią o szczęściu”, “Sami dla siebie”, “Po własnym pogrzebie”), Jerzy Domaradzki (“Tailor’s Planet”), Janusz Kijowski (“Chameleon”), Krzysztof Zanussi (“Our God’s Brother”, “The Silent Touch”, “In Full Gallop”) and Krzysztof Krauze (“The Debt”).

Winner of acting awards at the Television Film Festivals in Olsztyn (1976, 1978, 1979), Janusz Warnecki Radio Award (1999) and the Capital City of Warsaw Award (2001). One of “The 20 Outstanding Poles” (1978). Recognized with the Gold Cross of Merit and the Distinguished Cultural Service Award.