The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

An Uneventful Story

An adaptation of a short story by Anton Chekhov. A well-known medicine professor sums up his achievements and experience. The man is tired by everyday routine, feels useless and struggles with existential crisis.
An Uneventful Story


Ewa, a talented and ambitious Architecture graduate, gives up a foreign scholarship to stay in Gdańsk and work under a prominent architect on the design of the Marine Museum, but Jerzy hardly ever visits the studio. Instead, Marta, his overbearing assistant, is sitting in for him. After a few fruitless attempts, Ewa talks to the boss, but their first conversation leads to an argument.

Fort 13

During World War I, a captain and a lieutenant of the Russian Army are buried alive in the basement of the Przemyśl fortress. There is potable water and a vast supply of food and candles, so they are well provided for survival. Despite that, the captain loses his mind and commits suicide. The lieutenant comes to terms with his fate and starts a journal. After eight years, workers demolishing the...
Fort 13

Fun and Games

August 1980. While Stanisław, a prominent party activist, is attending a special meeting, his son Darek invites a couple of friends over to their villa. Devoid of ideals, the youngsters mock their parents and everyday reality, drink whisky and have sex.
Fun and Games


Two old friends meet in a mountain shelter and reminisce about the good old days when they were young. Midroń and Świdrycki are now mature, intelligent men who start to feel that life is pointless. They doubt themselves and fear death. The next day, the gentlemen are joined by their wives. Though the ladies haven’t had an opportunity to meet, they quickly become friends.

The Issa Valley

Several lives intertwine in the Lithuanian Issa valley at the end of the 1990s. There is little Tomaszek, a priest romantically involved with a housekeeper, and Barbarka – a maid whose master doesn’t reciprocate her feelings. There is Baltazar, a mad gamekeeper with existential anxiety that urges him to commit a crime. There are also devils and demons known from Lithuanian legends that accompany all of them in their earthly...
The Issa Valley

The Weather Forecast

Autumn of 1981. A group of nursing home patients hear a ghastly weather forecast for the upcoming winter. Considering the economic crisis, the elderly may not survive. The very same night, a truck delivers a transport of coffins. Watching the caskets moved to the attic, the patients connect the dots with an increasing fear: it seems that the management is unable to help all of them through the winter and...
The Weather Forecast

The Wolf

Kacper comes to Sieniawka Manor at his brother's request. His sister-in-law, Maryna, underwent an unsuccessful abortion and is in agony. She dies with a curse on her lips, promising Mateusz that she will find him and clasping a small bundle with a wolf paw. Suspecting his wife consorted with wolves, Mateusz pierces her lifeless body with an aspen stake to rid the werewolf of power. A she-wolf starts following him.
The Wolf